
# MoinMoin sl system text translation
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: MoinMoin 1.9\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-04 22:35+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-05-23 03:00+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Mark Martinec <>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Language: slovenščina\n"
"X-Language-in-English: Slovenian\n"
"X-HasWikiMarkup: True\n"
"X-Direction: ltr\n"

msgid "Your changes are not saved!"
msgstr "Spremembe niso shranjene!"

msgid "You are not allowed to edit this page."
msgstr "Te strani vam ni dovoljeno spreminjati."

msgid "Page is immutable!"
msgstr "Strani ni možno spreminjati, je nespremenljiva!"

msgid "Cannot edit old revisions!"
msgstr "Starih različic ni mogoče spreminjati!"

msgid "The lock you held timed out. Be prepared for editing conflicts!"
msgstr "Zaseženost strani je potekla, možni so konflikti popravkov!"

msgid "Page name is too long, try shorter name."
msgstr "Ime strani je predolgo, uporabite krajše ime."

#, python-format
msgid "Draft of \"%(pagename)s\""
msgstr "Delovna različica (predogled) strani \"%(pagename)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Edit \"%(pagename)s\""
msgstr "Spremeni stran \"%(pagename)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Preview of \"%(pagename)s\""
msgstr "Predogled strani \"%(pagename)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Your edit lock on %(lock_page)s has expired!"
msgstr "Zaseženost/rezervacija strani %(lock_page)s je potekla!"

#, python-format
msgid "Your edit lock on %(lock_page)s will expire in # minutes."
msgstr "Zaseženost/rezervacija strani %(lock_page)s bo potekla čez # minut."

#, python-format
msgid "Your edit lock on %(lock_page)s will expire in # seconds."
msgstr "Zaseženost/rezervacija strani %(lock_page)s bo potekla čez # sekund."

msgid "Someone else deleted this page while you were editing!"
msgstr "Drug uporabnik je med tem izbrisal stran, ki ste jo pravkar urejali!"

msgid "Someone else changed this page while you were editing!"
msgstr "Drug uporabnik je med tem spremenil stran, ki ste jo pravkar urejali!"

msgid ""
"Someone else saved this page while you were editing!\n"
"Please review the page and save then. Do not save this page as it is!"
msgstr ""
"Drug uporabnik je shranil stran, ki ste jo pravkar urejali!\n"
"Prosim preglejte stran in po potrebi uskladite svoje in tuje popravke,\n"
"ne shranite strani neusklajene!"

msgid "[Content loaded from draft]"
msgstr "[Vsebina strani je bila naložena iz delovne (draft) strani]"

#, python-format
msgid "[Content of new page loaded from %s]"
msgstr "[Vsebina nove strani je bila naložena iz %s]"

#, python-format
msgid "[Template %s not found]"
msgstr "[Predloga %s ne obstaja]"

#, python-format
msgid "[You may not read %s]"
msgstr "[Strani %s vam ni dovoljeno brati]"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"'''<<BR>>Your draft based on revision %(draft_rev)d (saved "
"%(draft_timestamp_str)s) can be loaded instead of the current revision "
"%(page_rev)d by using the load draft button - in case you lost your last "
"edit somehow without saving it.''' A draft gets saved for you when you do a "
"preview, cancel an edit or unsuccessfully save."
msgstr ""
"'''<<BR>>Namesto trenutne inačice %(page_rev)d lahko naložite svojo delovno "
"kopijo %(draft_rev)d (shranjeno %(draft_timestamp_str)s) s tipko za "
"naložitev delovne kopije (draft) - če ste morda izgubili svoje zadnje "
"popravke, ne da bi jih shranili.''' Delovna kopija se samodejno shrani ob "
"predogledu, ob prekinitvi urejanja ali ob neuspešni shranitvi."

#, python-format
msgid "Describe %s here."
msgstr "Vnesite besedilo o %s ..."

msgid "Check Spelling"
msgstr "Preveri črkovanje"

msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Shrani spremembe"

msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Preklic"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"By hitting '''%(save_button_text)s''' you put your changes under the "
"If you don't want that, hit '''%(cancel_button_text)s''' to cancel your "
msgstr ""
"Z '''%(save_button_text)s''' zapadejo vaše spremembe pod %(license_link)s.\n"
"Če vam to ne ustreza, lahko s preklicem '''%(cancel_button_text)s''' "
"umaknete/izničite svoje spremembe."

msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Predogled"

msgid "GUI Mode"
msgstr "Urejanje s sprotnim prikazom (GUI)"

msgid "Load Draft"
msgstr "Naloži delovno različico strani"

msgid "Trivial change"
msgstr "Neznatna sprememba"

msgid "Comment:"
msgstr "Opomba:"

msgid "<No addition>"
msgstr "<v nobeno>"

#, python-format
msgid "Add to: %(category)s"
msgstr "Dodaj v kategorijo %(category)s"

msgid "Remove trailing whitespace from each line"
msgstr "Odstrani presledke s koncev vrstic"

msgid "Edit was cancelled."
msgstr "Spremembe so bile preklicane."

msgid "You can't copy to an empty pagename."
msgstr "Kopiranje na stran s praznim imenom ni mogoče."

msgid "You are not allowed to copy this page!"
msgstr "Te strani vam ni dovoljeno kopirati!"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"'''A page with the name {{{'%s'}}} already exists.'''\n"
"Try a different name."
msgstr ""
"'''Stran z imenom {{{'%s'}}} že obstaja.'''\n"
"Uporabite drugačno ime."

#, python-format
msgid "Could not copy page because of file system error: %s."
msgstr "Kopiranje strani ni uspelo, napaka datotečnega sistema: %s."

msgid "You are not allowed to rename this page!"
msgstr "Te strani vam ni dovoljeno preimenovati!"

msgid "You can't rename to an empty pagename."
msgstr "Preimenovanje v prazno ime strani ni mogoče."

#, python-format
msgid "Could not rename page because of file system error: %s."
msgstr "Preimenovanje strani ni uspelo, napaka datotečnega sistema: %s."

msgid "You are not allowed to delete this page!"
msgstr "Te strani vam ni dovoljeno izbrisati!"

msgid "Thank you for your changes. Your attention to detail is appreciated."
msgstr "Hvala za popravke, cenimo vašo natančnost."

#, python-format
msgid "Page \"%s\" was successfully deleted!"
msgstr "Stran \"%s\" je bila uspešno izbrisana!"

#, python-format
msgid "Page could not get locked. Unexpected error (errno=%d)."
msgstr "Strani ni bilo možno zaseči. Nepričakovana napaka (errno=%d)."

msgid "Page could not get locked. Missing 'current' file?"
msgstr "Strani ni bilo možno zaseči. Morda manjka datoteka 'current'?"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Unable to determine current page revision from the 'current' file. The page "
"%s is damaged and cannot be edited right now."
msgstr ""
"Iz datoteke 'current' ni bilo mogoče ugotoviti različice trenutne strani."
"Stran %s je poškodovana in je trenutno ni mogoče urejati."

#, python-format
msgid "Cannot save page %s, no storage space left."
msgstr "Strani %s ni bilo mogoče shraniti zaradi pomankanja prostora"

#, python-format
msgid "An I/O error occurred while saving page %s (errno=%d)"
msgstr "Pripetila se je napaka med shranjevanjem strani %s (I/O errno=%d)"

msgid "You are not allowed to edit this page!"
msgstr "Te strani vam ni dovoljeno spreminjati!"

msgid "You cannot save empty pages."
msgstr "Prazne strani ni dovoljeno shraniti!"

msgid "You already saved this page!"
msgstr "To stran ste že prej shranili!"

msgid "You already edited this page! Please do not use the back button."
msgstr ""
"To stran ste že urejali! Uporaba gumba za povratek (back) na tem mestu '''ni "

msgid "You did not change the page content, not saved!"
msgstr "Vsebine niste spremenili, shranitev ni potrebna!"

msgid ""
"You can't change ACLs on this page since you have no admin rights on it!"
msgstr ""
"Seznama za nadzor dostopa (ACL) na tej strani ni mogoče spremeniti brez "
"administratorjevih pravic!"

msgid "Notifications sent to:"
msgstr "Obvestila poslana na:"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The lock of %(owner)s timed out %(mins_ago)d minute(s) ago, and you were "
"granted the lock for this page."
msgstr ""
"Uporabniku %(owner)s je potekla zaseženost/rezervacija strani pred "
"%(mins_ago)d min., sedaj je stran dodeljena vam za urejanje."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Other users will be ''blocked'' from editing this page until %(bumptime)s."
msgstr ""
"Drugim uporabnikom ne bo dovoljeno spreminjati te strani do %(bumptime)s."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Other users will be ''warned'' until %(bumptime)s that you are editing this "
msgstr ""
"Do %(bumptime)s bodo ostali uporabniki opozorjeni, da spreminjate to stran."

msgid "Use the Preview button to extend the locking period."
msgstr "Z ukazom za predogled lahko podaljšate trajanje zaseženosti strani."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"This page is currently ''locked'' for editing by %(owner)s until "
"%(timestamp)s, i.e. for %(mins_valid)d minute(s)."
msgstr ""
"Ta stran je trenutno zaklenjena pred spreminjanjem, ker jo spreminja "
"%(owner)s. Rezervacija velja do %(timestamp)s, to je nadaljnjih "
"%(mins_valid)d minut."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"This page was opened for editing or last previewed at %(timestamp)s by "
"'''You should ''refrain from editing'' this page for at least another "
"%(mins_valid)d minute(s),\n"
"to avoid editing conflicts.'''<<BR>>\n"
"To leave the editor, press the Cancel button."
msgstr ""
"Ob %(timestamp)s je to stran vzel v delo %(owner)s (začetek spreminjanja ali "
"zadnji predogled).<<BR>>\n"
"'''Nadaljnjih %(mins_valid)d minut prosimo, da ''ne spreminjate'' te strani, "
"da se izognete konfliktnim popravkom.'''<<BR>>\n"
"Z ukazom \"Preklic\" lahko zapustite urejevalnik."

msgid "<unknown>"
msgstr "<neznano>"

#, python-format
msgid "[%(sitename)s] Your wiki account data"
msgstr "[%(sitename)s] Podatki o vašem viki uporabniškem imenu (računu)"

msgid ""
"Somebody has requested to email you a password recovery token.\n"
"If you lost your password, please go to the password reset URL below or\n"
"go to the password recovery page again and enter your username and the\n"
"recovery token.\n"
msgstr ""
"Prejet je bil zahtevek, da vam pošljemo žeton za obnovo/rešitev gesla.\n"
"Če ste izgubili geslo, pojdite na spodnji URL za obnovo gesla, ali\n"
"pojdite ponovno na stran za obnovo gesla in vnesite svoje uporabniško ime\n"
"in žeton za obnovo gesla.\n"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Login Name: %s\n"
"Password recovery token: %s\n"
"Password reset URL: %s?action=recoverpass&name=%s&token=%s\n"
msgstr ""
"Uporabniško ime: %s\n"
"Žeton za obnovo gesla: %s\n"
"URL za obnovo gesla: %s/?action=recoverpass&name=%s&token=%s\n"

#, python-format
msgid "The package needs a newer version of MoinMoin (at least %s)."
msgstr "Paket potrebuje novejšo inačico MoinMoin (vsaj %s)."

msgid "The theme name is not set."
msgstr "Ime teme (izgleda) ni nastavljeno."

#, python-format
msgid "Theme files not installed! Write rights missing for %s."
msgstr ""
"Datoteke teme (izgleda) niso bile nameščene. Pisanje ni dovoljeno za %s."

#, python-format
msgid "Installation of '%(filename)s' failed."
msgstr "Namestitev datoteke '%(filename)s' ni uspela."

#, python-format
msgid "The file %s is not a MoinMoin package file."
msgstr "Datoteka %s ne vsebuje MoinMoin paketa."

#, python-format
msgid "The page %s does not exist."
msgstr "Stran %s ne obstaja."

msgid "Invalid package file header."
msgstr "Neveljavna glava paketne datoteke."

msgid "Package file format unsupported."
msgstr "Format paketa ni podprt."

#, python-format
msgid "Unknown function %(func)s in line %(lineno)i."
msgstr "Neznana funkcija %(func)s v vrstici %(lineno)i."

#, python-format
msgid "The file %s was not found in the package."
msgstr "Datoteke %s ni v paketu."

msgid "The wiki is currently not reachable."
msgstr "Viki trenutno ni dostopen."

msgid "Invalid username or password."
msgstr "Neveljavno uporabniško ime ali geslo."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The remote wiki uses a different InterWiki name (%(remotename)s) internally "
"than you specified (%(localname)s)."
msgstr ""
"Oddaljeni viki uporablja drugačno notranje ime InterWiki (%(remotename)s) od "
"tistega, ki ste ga navedli (%(localname)s)."

msgid "Text mode"
msgstr "Urejanje izvornega besedila"

#, python-format
msgid "Unknown action %(action_name)s."
msgstr "Neznana akcija %(action_name)s."

#, python-format
msgid "You are not allowed to do %(action_name)s on this page."
msgstr "Akcije %(action_name)s nad to stranjo vam ni dovoljeno izvesti!"

msgid "Login and try again."
msgstr "Prijavite se in poskusite ponovno."

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" must be a boolean value, not \"%s\""
msgstr ""
"Argument \"%s\" mora biti boolovega tipa (resnično/neresnično) in ne \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument must be a boolean value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argument mora biti boolovega tipa (resnično/neresnično) in ne \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" must be an integer value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argument \"%s\" mora biti celo število in ne \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument must be an integer value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argument mora biti celo število in ne \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" must be a floating point value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argument \"%s\" mora biti realno število in ne \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument must be a floating point value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argument mora biti realno število in ne \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" must be a complex value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argument \"%s\" mora biti kompleksno število in ne \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument must be a complex value, not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argument mora biti kompleksno število in ne \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" must be one of \"%s\", not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argument \"%s\" mora biti eden izmed \"%s\" in ne \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Argument must be one of \"%s\", not \"%s\""
msgstr "Argument mora biti eden izmed \"%s\" in ne \"%s\""

msgid "Too many arguments"
msgstr "Preveč argumentov"

msgid "Cannot have arguments without name following named arguments"
msgstr "Anonimni argumenti ne morejo slediti imenovanim argumentom"

#, python-format
msgid "Argument \"%s\" is required"
msgstr "Potreben je argument \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "No argument named \"%s\""
msgstr "Ni argumenta z imenom \"%s\"!"

#, python-format
msgid "Expected \"=\" to follow \"%(token)s\""
msgstr "Simbolu \"%(token)s\" mora slediti \"=\""

#, python-format
msgid "Expected a value for key \"%(token)s\""
msgstr "Ključ \"%(token)s\" mora imeti vrednost"

#, python-format
msgid "Invalid highlighting regular expression \"%(regex)s\": %(error)s"
msgstr ""
"Neveljaven regularni izraz za poudarjanje besedila \"%(regex)s\": %(error)s"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Text matching regular expression \"%(regex)s\" is highlighted. "
msgstr ""

msgid "Switch to non-highlighted view"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The backed up content of this page is deprecated and will rank lower in "
"search results!"
msgstr ""
"Vsebina varnostne kopije je zastarela in bo manj upoštevana pri iskanju!"

#, python-format
msgid "Revision %(rev)d as of %(date)s"
msgstr "Različica %(rev)d z dne %(date)s"

#, python-format
msgid "Redirected from page \"%(page)s\""
msgstr "Preusmerjeno s strani \"%(page)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "This page redirects to page \"%(page)s\""
msgstr "Ta stran preusmeri na \"%(page)s\""

msgid "Create New Page"
msgstr "Tvori novo stran"

msgid "You are not allowed to view this page."
msgstr "Ogled te strani vam ni dovoljen."

msgid "No recipients, nothing to do"
msgstr "Ni prejemnikov, ni kaj početi"

#, python-format
msgid "Connection to mailserver '%(server)s' failed: %(reason)s"
msgstr "Priklop na e-poštni strežnik '%(server)s' ni uspel: %(reason)s"

msgid "Mail not sent"
msgstr "sporočilo ni bilo odposlano"

msgid "Mail sent OK"
msgstr "uspešno odposlano"

msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"

msgid "From"
msgstr "Od"

msgid "To"
msgstr "Komu"

msgid "Content"
msgstr "Vsebina"

msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Priponke"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Sorry, can not save page because \"%(content)s\" is not allowed in this wiki."
msgstr ""
"Žal strani ni mogoče shraniti, ker vsebina \"%(content)s\" ni dovoljena v "
"tem vikiju."

msgid "Could not contact"
msgstr "Z se ni bilo mogoče povezati."

msgid "Please log in first."
msgstr "Prosimo, da se najprej prijavite."

msgid "Failed to connect to database."
msgstr "Neuspešna priključitev na podatkovno bazo."

msgid "Missing password. Please enter user name and password."
msgstr "Manjka geslo. Prosimo vnesite uporabniško ime in geslo."

#, python-format
msgid "LDAP server %(server)s failed."
msgstr "Strežnik LDAP %(server)s je odpovedal."

msgid ""
"Please choose an account name now.\n"
"If you choose an existing account name you will be asked for the\n"
"password and be able to associate the account with your OpenID."
msgstr ""
"Izberite uporabniško ime.\n"
"Če izberete obstoječe uporabniško ime bo treba vnesti geslo,\n"
"lahko pa ga boste povezali s svojim OpenID."

msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ime"

msgid "Choose this name"
msgstr "Izberi to ime"

msgid "This is not a valid username, choose a different one."
msgstr "To ni veljavno uporabniško ime, izberite drugo."

msgid ""
"The username you have chosen is already\n"
"taken. If it is your username, enter your password below to associate\n"
"the username with your OpenID. Otherwise, please choose a different\n"
"username and leave the password field blank."
msgstr ""
"Uporabniško ime, ki ste ga izbrali, je že zasedeno.\n"
"Če gre za vaše uporabniško ime, vnesite geslo da ga povežete s svojim \n"
"OpenID, sicer pa izberite drugo ime in pustite polje za geslo prazno."

msgid "Password"
msgstr "Geslo"

msgid "Associate this name"
msgstr "Poveži to ime"

#, python-format
msgid "OpenID error: %s."
msgstr "Napaka pri OpenID: %s."

msgid "OpenID verification canceled."
msgstr "Preverjanje OpenID je bilo preklicano."

msgid "Verification canceled."
msgstr "Preverjanje je bilo preklicano."

#, python-format
msgid "OpenID success. id: %s"
msgstr "OpenID uspešen. id: %s"

msgid "OpenID failure"
msgstr "Napaka pri OpenID"

msgid "OpenID failure."
msgstr "Napaka pri OpenID."

msgid "No OpenID found in session."
msgstr "V seji ni bilo najdenega OpenID."

msgid "Your account is now associated to your OpenID."
msgstr "Vaš uporabniški račun je sedaj povezan z vašim OpenID."

msgid "The password you entered is not valid."
msgstr "Geslo, ki ste ga vnesli, ni veljavno."

msgid "OpenID error: unknown continuation stage"
msgstr "OpenID: napaka: neznana faza nadaljevanja"

msgid "OpenID verification requires that you click this button:"
msgstr "Za preverjanje OpenID je treba pritisniti to tipko:"

msgid "Anonymous sessions need to be enabled for OpenID login."
msgstr "Za prijavo prek OpenID morajo biti anonimne seje omogočene."

msgid "Failed to resolve OpenID."
msgstr "OpenID ni bilo mogoče najti."

msgid "OpenID discovery failure, not a valid OpenID."
msgstr "Napaka pri ugotavljanju OpenID, identiteta OpenID ni veljavna."

msgid "No OpenID."
msgstr "Ni takega OpenID."

msgid ""
"If you do not have an account yet, you can still log in with your OpenID and "
"create one during login."
msgstr ""
"Tudi če še nimate uporabniškega računa se lahko prijavite s svojim OpenID in "
"ustvarite račun med postopkom prijave."

#, fuzzy
msgid "Missing user name. Please enter user name and password."
msgstr "Manjka geslo. Prosimo vnesite uporabniško ime in geslo."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"If you do not have an account, <a href=\"%(userprefslink)s\">you can create "
"one now</a>. "
msgstr ""
"Če ga še nimate, lahko tukaj <a href=\"%(userprefslink)s\">ustvarite svoj "
"uporabniški račun</a>. "

#, python-format
msgid "<a href=\"%(sendmypasswordlink)s\">Forgot your password?</a>"
msgstr "<a href=\"%(sendmypasswordlink)s\">Ste pozabili geslo?</a>"

msgid "HelpOnParsers"
msgstr "PomočPriSintaktičnihAnalizatorjih"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Syntax highlighting not supported for '%(syntax)s', see "
msgstr ""
"Poudarjanje sintakse ni podprto za '%(syntax)s', glej "

msgid ""
" Emphasis:: <<Verbatim(//)>>''italics''<<Verbatim(//)>>; "
"<<Verbatim(**)>>'''bold'''<<Verbatim(**)>>; <<Verbatim(**//)>>'''''bold "
"italics'''''<<Verbatim(//**)>>; <<Verbatim(//)>>''mixed "
"''<<Verbatim(**)>>'''''bold'''<<Verbatim(**)>> and "
" Horizontal Rule:: <<Verbatim(----)>>\n"
" Force Linebreak:: <<Verbatim(\\\\)>>\n"
" Headings:: = Title 1 =; == Title 2 ==; === Title 3 ===; ==== Title 4 ====; "
"===== Title 5 =====.\n"
" Lists:: * bullets; ** sub-bullets; # numbered items; ## numbered sub "
" Links:: <<Verbatim([[target]])>>; <<Verbatim([[target|linktext]])>>.\n"
" Tables:: |= header text | cell text | more cell text |;\n"
"(!) For more help, see HelpOnEditing or HelpOnCreoleSyntax.\n"
msgstr ""
" Poudarki:: <<Verbatim(//)>>''kurziva''<<Verbatim(//)>>; "
"<<Verbatim(**)>>'''polkrepko'''<<Verbatim(**)>>; "
"<<Verbatim(**//)>>'''''polkrepko in kurziva'''''<<Verbatim(//**)>>; "
"<<Verbatim(//)>>''mešano ''<<Verbatim(**)>>'''''polkrepko'''<<Verbatim(**)>> "
"in kurziva''<<Verbatim(//)>>;\n"
" Vodoravna črta:: <<Verbatim(----)>>\n"
" Nova vrsta:: <<Verbatim(\\\\)>>\n"
" Naslovi:: = Naslov-1 =; == N-2 ==; === N-3 ===; ==== N-4 ====; ===== N-5 "
" Seznami:: * točke; ** podtočke; # oštevilčene alineje; ## oštevilčene "
" Povezave:: <<Verbatim([[povezava]])>>; <<Verbatim([[povezava|"
" Tabele:: |= besedilo naslova | besedilo celice | besedilo naslednje celice "
"(!) Več o tem: HelpOnEditing, HelpOnCreoleSyntax.\n"

msgid "XSLT option disabled, please look at HelpOnConfiguration."
msgstr "Opcija XSLT je izklopljena, več o tem v: HelpOnConfiguration."

msgid "XSLT processing is not available, please install 4suite 1.x."
msgstr "Obdelava XSLT ni na razpolago, namestite ''4suite'' 1.x."

#, python-format
msgid "%(errortype)s processing error"
msgstr "Napaka pri obdelavi \"%(errortype)s\""

msgid ""
"Rendering of reStructured text is not possible, please install Docutils."
msgstr "Prikaz ''reStructured'' besedila ni mogoč, namestite ''Docutils''."

msgid ""
"Emphasis: *italic* **bold** ``monospace``\n"
"Headings: Heading 1  Heading 2  Heading 3\n"
"          =========  ---------  ~~~~~~~~~\n"
"Horizontal rule: ----\n"
"Links: TrailingUnderscore_ `multi word with backticks`_ external_\n"
".. _external:\n"
"Lists: * bullets; 1., a. numbered items.\n"
"(!) For more help, see the\n"
"reStructuredText Quick Reference]].\n"
msgstr ""
"Poudarek: *kurziva* **polkrepko** ``znaki enake širine``\n"
"Naslovi: Naslov 1  Naslov 2  Naslov 3\n"
"         ========  --------  ~~~~~~~~\n"
"Vodoravna črta: ----\n"
"Povezave: PodčrtajNaKoncu_ `več besed med krativci`_ zunanja_ \n"
".. _zunanja:\n"
"Seznami: * pike; 1., a. oštevilčene alineje.\n"
"(!) Dodatna navodila na:\n"
"reStructuredText Quick Reference]].\n"

msgid "**Maximum number of allowed includes exceeded**"
msgstr "**Dovoljeno število ''include'' ukazov je preseženo**"

#, python-format
msgid "**You are not allowed to read the page: %s**"
msgstr "**Te strani vam ni dovoljeno brati: %s**"

#, python-format
msgid "**Could not find the referenced page: %s**"
msgstr "**Stran, na katero se sklicujemo, ne obstaja: %s**"

msgid ""
" Emphasis:: <<Verbatim('')>>''italics''<<Verbatim('')>>; "
"<<Verbatim(''')>>'''bold'''<<Verbatim(''')>>; <<Verbatim(''''')>>'''''bold "
"italics'''''<<Verbatim(''''')>>; <<Verbatim('')>>''mixed "
"''<<Verbatim(''')>>'''''bold'''<<Verbatim(''')>> and "
"italics''<<Verbatim('')>>; <<Verbatim(----)>> horizontal rule.\n"
" Headings:: = Title 1 =; == Title 2 ==; === Title 3 ===; ==== Title 4 ====; "
"===== Title 5 =====.\n"
" Lists:: space and one of: * bullets; 1., a., A., i., I. numbered items; 1."
"#n start numbering at n; space alone indents.\n"
" Links:: <<Verbatim(JoinCapitalizedWords)>>; <<Verbatim([[target|"
" Tables:: || cell text |||| cell text spanning 2 columns ||;    no trailing "
"white space allowed after tables or titles.\n"
"(!) For more help, see HelpOnEditing or HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax.\n"
msgstr ""
" Poudarki:: <<Verbatim('')>>''kurziva''<<Verbatim('')>>; "
"<<Verbatim(''')>>'''polkrepko'''<<Verbatim(''')>>; "
"<<Verbatim(''''')>>'''''polkrepko in kurziva'''''<<Verbatim(''''')>>; "
"<<Verbatim('')>>''mešano "
"''<<Verbatim(''')>>'''''polkrepko'''<<Verbatim(''')>> in "
"kurziva''<<Verbatim('')>>; <<Verbatim(----)>> vodoravna črta.\n"
" Naslovi:: = Naslov 1 =; == N-2 ==; === N-3 ===; ==== N-4 ====; ===== N-5 "
" Seznami:: presledek in en znak izmed: * pike; 1., a., A., i., I. "
"oštevilčene alineje; 1.#n začni številčenje z n; en presledek zamakne "
" Povezave:: <<Verbatim(SkupajPisaneKapitaliziraneBesede)>>; "
" Tabele:: || besedilo celice |||| besedilo celice prek dveh stolpcev ||;    "
"na koncu vrstic z naslovi ali elementi tabele presledki niso dovoljeni.\n"
"(!) Več o tem na HelpOnEditing ali HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax.\n"

#, python-format
msgid "Expected \"%(wanted)s\" after \"%(key)s\", got \"%(token)s\""
msgstr "Za \"%(key)s\" pričakujemo \"%(wanted)s\", stoji pa \"%(token)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Expected an integer \"%(key)s\" before \"%(token)s\""
msgstr "Pred \"%(token)s\" bi moralo stati celo število \"%(key)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Expected an integer \"%(arg)s\" after \"%(key)s\""
msgstr "Za \"%(key)s\" bi moralo stati celo število \"%(arg)s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Expected a color value \"%(arg)s\" after \"%(key)s\""
msgstr "Za \"%(key)s\" bi morala biti navedena barva \"%(arg)s\""

msgid "Password is too short."
msgstr "Geslo ni dovolj dolgo."

msgid "Password has not enough different characters."
msgstr "Geslo ne vsebuje dovolj različnih znakov."

msgid ""
"Password is too easy (password contains name or name contains password)."
msgstr "Geslo je preveč preprosto (vsebuje ime ali pa je vsebovano v imenu)."

msgid "Password is too easy (keyboard sequence)."
msgstr "Geslo je preveč preprosto (zaporedje s tipkovnice)"

msgid "Diffs"
msgstr "Razlike"

msgid "Info"
msgstr "Pregled sprememb"

msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Spremeni"

msgid "UnSubscribe"
msgstr "Preklic naročenosti"

msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr "Naroči se na spremembe"

msgid "Raw"
msgstr "Izvorno"

msgid "XML"
msgstr "XML"

msgid "Print"
msgstr "Tiskanje"

msgid "View"
msgstr "Ogled"

msgid "Up"
msgstr "Gor"

msgid "Publish my email (not my wiki homepage) in author info"
msgstr ""
"Objavi moj e-poštni naslov (ne domače strani) pri informacijah o avtorjih"

msgid "Open editor on double click"
msgstr "Odpri urejevalnik ob dvokliku"

msgid "After login, jump to last visited page"
msgstr "Po prijavi skoči na zadnjo obiskano stran"

msgid "Show comment sections"
msgstr "Prikaži razdelke z opombami"

msgid "Show question mark for non-existing pagelinks"
msgstr "Označi neobstoječe povezave z vprašajem"

msgid "Show page trail"
msgstr "Prikazuj seznam zadnjih obiskanih strani"

msgid "Show icon toolbar"
msgstr "V orodni vrstici prikazuj ikone"

msgid "Show top/bottom links in headings"
msgstr "Naslovu dodaj povezavi na začetek in konec strani"

msgid "Show fancy diffs"
msgstr "Prikazuj razlike z barvnimi označbami"

msgid "Add spaces to displayed wiki names"
msgstr "Dodaj presledke v prikazana viki imena"

msgid "Remember login information"
msgstr "Shrani podatke o prijavi"

msgid "Disable this account forever"
msgstr "Trajno ukini ta uporabniški račun"

msgid "(Use FirstnameLastname)"
msgstr "(Uporabi ImePriimek)"

msgid "Alias-Name"
msgstr "Psevdonim"

msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-poštni naslov"

msgid "Jabber ID"
msgstr "Jabber naslov"

msgid "User CSS URL"
msgstr "URL uporabnikovega CSS stila"

msgid "(Leave it empty for disabling user CSS)"
msgstr "(prazno polje izklopi uporabnikov CSS)"

msgid "Editor size"
msgstr "Velikost področja za urejanje"

#, python-format
msgid "[%(sitename)s] %(trivial)sUpdate of \"%(pagename)s\" by %(username)s"
msgstr ""
"[%(sitename)s] %(trivial)ssprememba na \"%(pagename)s\", spremenil: "

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear Wiki user,\n"
"You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on \"%(sitename)s\" for "
"change notification.\n"
"The \"%(pagename)s\" page has been changed by %(editor)s:\n"
msgstr ""
"Dragi uporabnik vikija,\n"
"Naročeni ste na obvestila o spremembah viki strani ali viki kategorije na "
"strežniku \"%(sitename)s\".\n"
"Stran \"%(pagename)s\" je spremenil %(editor)s:\n"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear wiki user,\n"
"You have subscribed to a wiki page \"%(sitename)s\" for change "
"The page \"%(pagename)s\" has been deleted by %(editor)s:\n"
msgstr ""
"Dragi uporabnik vikija,\n"
"Naročeni ste na obvestila o spremembah viki strani na strežniku "
"Stran \"%(pagename)s\" je zbrisal %(editor)s:\n"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear wiki user,\n"
"You have subscribed to a wiki page \"%(sitename)s\" for change "
"The page \"%(pagename)s\" has been renamed from \"%(oldname)s\" by "
msgstr ""
"Dragi uporabnik vikija,\n"
"Naročeni ste na obvestila o spremembah viki strani na strežniku "
"Stran \"%(pagename)s\" je %(editor)s preimenoval iz \"%(oldname)s\":\n"

#, python-format
msgid "[%(sitename)s] New attachment added to page %(pagename)s"
msgstr "[%(sitename)s] Strani %(pagename)s je bila dodana nova priponka"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear Wiki user,\n"
"You have subscribed to a wiki page \"%(page_name)s\" for change "
"notification. An attachment has been added to that page by %(editor)s. "
"Following detailed information is available:\n"
"Attachment name: %(attach_name)s\n"
"Attachment size: %(attach_size)s\n"
msgstr ""
"Dragi uporabnik vikija,\n"
"Naročeni ste na obvestila o spremembah za stran \"%(page_name)s\". Strani je "
"%(editor)s dodal priponko. Podrobnosti:\n"
"Ime priponke: %(attach_name)s\n"
"Velikost priponke: %(attach_size)s\n"

#, python-format
msgid "[%(sitename)s] Removed attachment from page %(pagename)s"
msgstr "[%(sitename)s] S strani %(pagename)s je bila odstranjena priponka"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear Wiki user,\n"
"You have subscribed to a wiki page \"%(page_name)s\" for change "
"notification. An attachment has been removed from that page by %(editor)s. "
"Following detailed information is available:\n"
"Attachment name: %(attach_name)s\n"
"Attachment size: %(attach_size)s\n"
msgstr ""
"Dragi uporabnik vikija,\n"
"Naročeni ste na obvestila o spremembah na strani \"%(page_name)s\". S te "
"strani %(editor)s odstranil priponko. Podrobnosti:\n"
"Ime priponke: %(attach_name)s\n"
"Velikost priponke: %(attach_size)s\n"

#, python-format
msgid "[%(sitename)s] New user account created"
msgstr "[%(sitename)s] Nov uporabniški račun je narejen"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Dear Superuser, a new user has just been created on \"%(sitename)s\". "
"Details follow:\n"
"    User name: %(username)s\n"
"    Email address: %(useremail)s"
msgstr ""
"Dragi administrator, na %(sitename)s je bil pravkar narejen nov uporabniški "
"račun. Tule so podrobnosti:\n"
"    Uporabniško ime: %(username)s\n"
"    E-poštni naslov: %(useremail)s"

msgid "anonymous"
msgstr "anonimno"

msgid "Line"
msgstr "Vrstica"

msgid "No differences found!"
msgstr "Ni razlik!"

msgid "Deletions are marked like this."
msgstr "Zbrisani deli so označeni takole."

msgid "Additions are marked like this."
msgstr "Dodani deli so označeni takole."

msgid "DeleteCache"
msgstr "PočistiShrambo"

#, python-format
msgid "(cached %s)"
msgstr "(shranjeno v hitro shrambo %s)"

msgid "Or try one of these actions:"
msgstr "Ali pa poskusite z:"

msgid "Unsubscribe"
msgstr "Preklic naročila na spremembe"

msgid "Home"
msgstr "Domov"

msgid "[RSS]"
msgstr "[RSS]"

msgid "[DELETED]"
msgstr "[IZBRISANO]"

msgid "[UPDATED]"

msgid "[RENAMED]"

msgid "[CONFLICT]"
msgstr "[KONFLIKT]"

msgid "[NEW]"
msgstr "[NOVO]"

msgid "[DIFF]"
msgstr "[RAZLIKE]"

msgid "[BOTTOM]"
msgstr "[NA-KONEC]"

msgid "[TOP]"
msgstr "[NA-VRH]"

msgid "Click to do a full-text search for this title"
msgstr "Iskanje tega naslova po polnem besedilu strani"

msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Nastavitve"

msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Odjava"

msgid "Login"
msgstr "Prijava"

msgid "Clear message"
msgstr "Odstrani tole obvestilo"

#, python-format
msgid "last edited %(time)s by %(editor)s"
msgstr "nazadnje spreminjano %(time)s, spreminjal %(editor)s"

#, python-format
msgid "last modified %(time)s"
msgstr "zadnja sprememba: %(time)s"

msgid "Search:"
msgstr "Iskanje:"

msgid "Text"
msgstr "po besedilu"

msgid "Titles"
msgstr "po naslovih"

msgid "Search"
msgstr "Išči"

msgid "More Actions:"
msgstr "Druge možnosti:"

msgid "------------------------"
msgstr "------------------------"

msgid "Raw Text"
msgstr "Izvorno besedilo"

msgid "Print View"
msgstr "Izgled za tiskanje"

msgid "Delete Cache"
msgstr "Počisti shrambo"

msgid "Rename Page"
msgstr "Preimenuj stran"

msgid "Copy Page"
msgstr "Kopiraj Stran"

msgid "Delete Page"
msgstr "Izbriši to stran"

msgid "Like Pages"
msgstr "Podobne strani"

msgid "Local Site Map"
msgstr "Struktura predstavitve"

msgid "My Pages"
msgstr "Moje strani"

msgid "Subscribe User"
msgstr "Naroči se"

msgid "Remove Spam"
msgstr "Odstrani spam"

msgid "Revert to this revision"
msgstr "Povrni v to različico"

msgid "Package Pages"
msgstr "Spakiraj v ZIP"

msgid "Render as Docbook"
msgstr "Prikaži kot Docbook"

msgid "Sync Pages"
msgstr "Sinhroniziraj strani"

msgid "Do"
msgstr "Izvedi!"

msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Komentarji"

msgid "Edit (Text)"
msgstr "Spremeni (izvorno)"

msgid "Edit (GUI)"
msgstr "Spremeni (GUI)"

msgid "Immutable Page"
msgstr "Nespremenljiva stran"

msgid "Remove Link"
msgstr "Odstrani povezavo"

msgid "Add Link"
msgstr "Dodaj povezavo"

#, python-format
msgid "Show %s days."
msgstr "Prikaži %s dni."

msgid "Wiki Markup"
msgstr "Označevanje viki"

msgid "Wiki"
msgstr "Viki"

msgid "Page"
msgstr "Stran"

msgid "User"
msgstr "Uporabnik"

msgid "[ATTACH]"
msgstr "[PRIPNI]"

msgid "Options --pages and --search are mutually exclusive!"
msgstr "Opciji --pages in --search se izključujeta!"

msgid "You must specify an output file!"
msgstr "Navesti je treba izhodno datoteko!"

msgid "No pages specified using --pages or --search, assuming full package."
msgstr ""
"Nobena stran ni bila navedena s --pages ali --search opcijo, predpostavljam "
"celotni paket."

msgid "All attachments included into the package."
msgstr "Vse priponke so vsebovane v paketu."

msgid "Output file already exists! Cowardly refusing to continue!"
msgstr "Izhodna datoteka že obstaja! Za vsak primer ukaz ne bo izvršen!"

msgid "Attachment link"
msgstr "Povezava na priponko"

msgid "Page link"
msgstr "Povezava na stran"

msgid "Changed page"
msgstr "Spremenjena stran"

msgid "Page changed"
msgstr "Stran je bila spremenjena"

msgid "Page has been modified"
msgstr "Stran je bila spremenjena"

msgid "Page has been modified in a trivial fashion"
msgstr "Stran je bila neznatno spremenjena"

msgid "Page has been renamed"
msgstr "Stran je bila preimenovana"

msgid "Page has been deleted"
msgstr "Stran je bila izbrisana"

msgid "Page has been copied"
msgstr "Stran je bila kopirana"

msgid "A new attachment has been added"
msgstr "Dodana je bila nova priponka"

msgid "An attachment has been removed"
msgstr "Priponka je bila odstranjena"

msgid "A page has been reverted to a previous state"
msgstr "Stran je bila vrnjena v prejšnje stanje"

msgid "A user has subscribed to a page"
msgstr "Uporabnik se je naročil na obvestila o spremembah te strani."

msgid "A new account has been created"
msgstr "Narejen je bil nov uporabniški račun"

msgid "Trivial "
msgstr "Neznatna "

msgid "New page:\n"
msgstr "Nova stran:\n"

msgid "No differences found!\n"
msgstr "Ni razlik!\n"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment link: %(attach)s\n"
"Page link: %(page)s\n"
msgstr ""
"Povezava na priponko: %(attach)s\n"
"Povezava na stran: %(page)s\n"

msgid "[all]"
msgstr "[vse]"

msgid "[not empty]"
msgstr "[ni prazno]"

msgid "[empty]"
msgstr "[prazno]"

msgid "filter"
msgstr "filter"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Results %(bs)s%(hitsFrom)d - %(hitsTo)d%(be)s of %(aboutHits)s %(bs)s%(hits)d"
"%(be)s results out of about %(pages)d pages."
msgstr ""
"Rezultati %(bs)s%(hitsFrom)d - %(hitsTo)d%(be)s od %(aboutHits)s %(bs)s"
"%(hits)d%(be)s rezultatov iz približno %(pages)d strani."

msgid "seconds"
msgstr "sekund"

msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Prejšnji"

msgid "Next"
msgstr "Naslednji"

msgid "rev"
msgstr "revizija"

msgid "current"
msgstr "trenutni"

#, python-format
msgid "last modified: %s"
msgstr "zadnja sprememba: %s"

msgid "match"
msgstr "zadetek"

msgid "matches"
msgstr "zadetkov"

msgid "about"
msgstr "več o tem"

msgid "This page is already deleted or was never created!"
msgstr "Ta stran je že izbrisana ali pa ni nikoli obstajala!"

#, python-format
msgid "Invalid filename \"%s\"!"
msgstr "Neveljavno ime datoteke \"%s\"!"

msgid "Include all attachments?"
msgstr "Z vsemi priponkami?"

msgid "Package pages"
msgstr "Spakiraj strani v ZIP"

msgid "Package name"
msgstr "Ime ZIP paketa"

msgid "List of page names - separated by a comma"
msgstr "Seznam imen strani, ločenih z vejicami"

#, python-format
msgid "No pages like \"%s\"!"
msgstr "Nobena stran ni podobna \"%s\"!"

#, python-format
msgid "Rolled back changes to the page %s."
msgstr "Umaknjene spremembe, vsebina strani %s vrnjena v prejšnje stanje."

msgid "Exception while calling rollback function:"
msgstr "Nepričakovan dogodek ali napaka ob vrnitvi v prejšnje stanje:"

msgid ""
"Please enter your password of your account at the remote wiki below. "
"<<BR>> /!\\ You should trust both wikis because the password could be read "
"by the particular administrators."
msgstr ""
"Spodaj vnesite svoje geslo na oddaljenem vikiju. <<BR>> /!\\ Oba vikija "
"morata biti zaupanja vredna, saj lahko geslo prebere administrator enega ali "
"drugega vikija."

msgid "Operation was canceled."
msgstr "Operacija je bila preklicana."

#, python-format
msgid "Please use the interactive user interface to use action %(actionname)s!"
msgstr "Za akcijo %(actionname)s uporabite interaktivni uporabniški vmesnik!"

msgid "The only supported directions are BOTH and DOWN."
msgstr "Smer je lahko le BOTH (obe) ali DOWN (dol)."

msgid ""
"Please set an interwikiname in your wikiconfig (see HelpOnConfiguration) to "
"be able to use this action."
msgstr ""
"Nastavite ''interwikiname'' v datoteki ''wikiconfig'' (glej "
"HelpOnConfiguration) da bo uporaba te akcije možna."

msgid ""
"Incorrect parameters. Please supply at least the ''remoteWiki'' parameter. "
"Refer to HelpOnSynchronisation for help."
msgstr ""
"Nepravilni parametri. Navesti je treba vsaj parameter ''remoteWiki''. Za "
"pomoč glej HelpOnSynchronisation."

msgid "The ''remoteWiki'' is unknown."
msgstr "Neznan ''remoteWiki''."

msgid "A severe error occurred:"
msgstr "Resna napaka:"

msgid "Synchronisation finished. Look below for the status messages."
msgstr "Sinhronizacija je končana. Statusno sporočilo se nahaja spodaj."

msgid "Synchronisation started -"
msgstr "Sinhronizacija se je začela -"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Got a list of %s local and %s remote pages. This results in %s pages to "
msgstr ""
"Dobljen je seznam %s lokalnih in %s oddaljenih strani. Skupaj to predstavlja "
"%s strani za obdelavo."

#, python-format
msgid "After filtering: %s pages"
msgstr "Po presejanju: %s strani"

#, python-format
msgid "Skipped page %s because of no write access to local page."
msgstr ""
"Stran %s preskočena zaradi pomankanja pravic za pisalni dostop do lokalne "

#, python-format
msgid "Deleted page %s locally."
msgstr "Izbrisano %s lokalnih strani."

#, python-format
msgid "Error while deleting page %s locally:"
msgstr "Napaka pri brisanju lokalne strani %s:"

#, python-format
msgid "Deleted page %s remotely."
msgstr "Izbrisana oddaljena stran %s."

#, python-format
msgid "Error while deleting page %s remotely:"
msgstr "Napaka pri brisanju oddaljene strani %s:"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The item %s cannot be merged automatically but was changed in both wikis. "
"Please delete it in one of both wikis and try again."
msgstr ""
"Strani %s ni bilo mogoče samodejno združiti, spremenjena je bila v obeh "
"vikijih. Pobrišite jo v enem ali obeh vikijih in poskusite znova."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The item %s has different mime types in both wikis and cannot be merged. "
"Please delete it in one of both wikis or unify the mime type, and try again."
msgstr ""
"Strani %s imata različna tipa MIME v obeh vikijih ju ni mogoče združiti. "
"Izbrišite jo v enem ali obeh vikijih ali poenotite njuna tipa MIME, nato "
"poskusite znova."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The item %s was renamed locally. This is not implemented yet. Therefore the "
"full synchronisation history is lost for this page."
msgstr ""
"Stran %s je bila preimenovana lokalno. Ker takšno preimenovanje še ni "
"podprto, je polna zgodovina sinhronizacije za to stran izgubljena."

#, python-format
msgid "Synchronising page %s with remote page %s ..."
msgstr "Sinhroniziranje strani %s z oddaljeno stranjo %s ..."

#, python-format
msgid "The page %s was deleted remotely but changed locally."
msgstr ""
"Stran %s je bila na oddaljeni strani izbrisana, lokalno pa spremenjena."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The page %s could not be synced. The remote page was renamed. This is not "
"supported yet. You may want to delete one of the pages to get it synced."
msgstr ""
"Strani %s ni bilo mogoče sinhronizirati. Oddaljena stran je bila "
"preimenovana, kar še ni podprto. Da bo možna sinhronizacija, lahko zbrišete "
"eno od obeh strani."

#, python-format
msgid "Skipped page %s because of a locally or remotely unresolved conflict."
msgstr ""
"Stran %s preskočena zaradi nerešljivega konflikta med lokalno in oddaljeno "

#, python-format
msgid ""
"This is the first synchronisation between the local and the remote wiki for "
"the page %s."
msgstr ""
"To je prvo sinhroniziranje med lokalnim in oddaljenum vikijem za stran %s."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The page %s could not be merged because you are not allowed to modify the "
"page in the remote wiki."
msgstr ""
"Strani %s ni bilo mogoče združiti, ker vam ni dovoljeno spreminjanje na "
"oddaljenem vikiju."

#, python-format
msgid "Page %s successfully merged."
msgstr "Stran \"%s\" je bila uspešno združena"

#, python-format
msgid "Page %s contains conflicts that were introduced on the remote side."
msgstr "Stran %s vsebuje konflikte, ki so bili vnešeni na oddaljeni strani."

#, python-format
msgid "Page %s merged with conflicts."
msgstr "Stran %s je bila združena, vendar so bili pri tem konflikti."

msgid "Attachment location"
msgstr "Pozicija priponke"

msgid "Page name"
msgstr "Ime strani"

msgid "Attachment name"
msgstr "Ime priponke"

msgid "Refresh attachment list"
msgstr "Obnovi seznam priponk"

msgid "List of attachments"
msgstr "Seznam priponk"

msgid "Available attachments for page"
msgstr "Razpoložljive priponke za stran"

#, python-format
msgid "Exactly one page like \"%s\" found, redirecting to page."
msgstr "Natanko ena stran je podobna \"%s\", preusmerjanje tja ..."

#, python-format
msgid "Pages like \"%s\""
msgstr "Strani, ki so podobne \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "%(matchcount)d %(matches)s for \"%(title)s\""
msgstr "%(matchcount)d %(matches)s za \"%(title)s\""

msgid "You must login to remove a quicklink."
msgstr "Za odstranitev hitre povezave se je treba prej prijaviti."

msgid "Your quicklink to this page has been removed."
msgstr "Vaša hitra povezava na to stran je bila odstranjena."

msgid "Your quicklink to this page could not be removed."
msgstr "Vaše hitra povezava na to stran ni bilo mogoče odstraniti."

msgid "You need to have a quicklink to this page to remove it."
msgstr "Da bi jo odstranili je treba imeti hitro povezavo na to stran."

msgid "Please choose:"
msgstr "Izberite:"

#, python-format
msgid "You must login to use this action: %(action)s."
msgstr "Za uporabo akcije %(action)s se je treba prej prijaviti."

msgid "Only superuser is allowed to use this action."
msgstr "Ta akcija je na voljo le administratorju."

msgid "You are not allowed to subscribe to a page you can't read."
msgstr "Ni mogoče naročiti se na obvestila s strani, ki vam ni dostopna."

msgid "This wiki is not enabled for mail/Jabber processing."
msgstr "Ta viki nima vklopljenega vmesnika do e-pošte oziroma jabber-ja."

msgid "You must log in to use subscriptions."
msgstr "Za naročilo obvestil se je treba prej prijaviti."

msgid ""
"Add your email address or Jabber ID in your user settings to use "
msgstr ""
"Vpišite svoj e-poštni naslov ali Jabber naslov v uporabniško nastavitveno "
"stran, če se želite naročiti na obvestila."

msgid "You are already subscribed to this page."
msgstr "Na obvestila o spremembah te strani ste že naročeni."

msgid "You have been subscribed to this page."
msgstr "Sedaj ste naročeni na obvestila o spremembah s te strani."

msgid "You could not get subscribed to this page."
msgstr "Niste se mogli naročiti na obvestila o spremembah s te strani."

#, python-format
msgid "Upload of attachment '%(filename)s'."
msgstr "Naložitev priponke '%(filename)s'."

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(filename)s' deleted."
msgstr "Priponka '%(filename)s' izbrisana."

#, python-format
msgid "Drawing '%(filename)s' saved."
msgstr "Risba '%(filename)s' je shranjena."

#, python-format
msgid "Revert to revision %(rev)d."
msgstr "Povrni v stanje različice %(rev)d."

#, python-format
msgid "Renamed from '%(oldpagename)s'."
msgstr "Preimenovano z '%(oldpagename)s'."

#, python-format
msgid "[%d attachments]"
msgstr "[%d priponk]"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"There are <a href=\"%(link)s\">%(count)s attachment(s)</a> stored for this "
msgstr "Tej strani je pripetih <a href=\"%(link)s\">%(count)s priponk</a>."

msgid "Filename of attachment not specified!"
msgstr "Ime datoteke s priponko mora biti navedeno!"

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(filename)s' does not exist!"
msgstr "Priponka '%(filename)s' ne obstaja!"

msgid ""
"To refer to attachments on a page, use '''{{{attachment:filename}}}''', \n"
"as shown below in the list of files. \n"
"Do '''NOT''' use the URL of the {{{[get]}}} link, \n"
"since this is subject to change and can break easily."
msgstr ""
"Za sklic na priponko uporabite obliko '''{{{attachment:filename}}}''', \n"
"kot je prikazano spodaj v seznamu datotek. \n"
"'''NE UPORABLJAJTE''' URL-ja povezave ob {{{[get]}}}, \n"
"oblika tega URL-ja se namreč lahko kadarkoli spremeni in povezava bo tako "

msgid "del"
msgstr "briši"

msgid "move"
msgstr "prestavi"

msgid "get"
msgstr "naloži"

msgid "edit"
msgstr "spremeni"

msgid "view"
msgstr "prikaži"

msgid "unzip"
msgstr "razpakiraj ZIP"

msgid "install"
msgstr "namesti"

msgid "All files"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Selected Files:"
msgstr "Pripete datoteke"

#, fuzzy
msgid "delete"
msgstr "Brisanje"

#, fuzzy
msgid "move to page"
msgstr "Število strani"

msgid "Do it."
msgstr "Izvrši."

#, python-format
msgid "No attachments stored for %(pagename)s"
msgstr "Stran %(pagename)s nima priponk."

msgid "You are not allowed to delete attachments on this page."
msgstr "Ni vam dovoljeno odstraniti priponk s te strani."

msgid "You are not allowed to move attachments from this page."
msgstr "Prestavitev priponk s te strani vam ni dovoljena."

msgid "You are not allowed to attach a file to this page."
msgstr "Tej strani ne smete dodati priponk."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(pagename)s/%(filename)s' moved to '%(new_pagename)s/"
msgstr ""
"Priponka '%(pagename)s/%(filename)s' je bila prestavljena v "

msgid "New Attachment"
msgstr "Nova priponka"

msgid "File to upload"
msgstr "Ime datoteke, ki jo nalagate:"

msgid "Rename to"
msgstr "Preimenovati v:"

msgid "Overwrite existing attachment of same name"
msgstr "Prepiši že obstoječo priponko z istim imenom?"

msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Naloži na strežnik"

msgid "Attached Files"
msgstr "Pripete datoteke"

#, python-format
msgid "Unsupported AttachFile sub-action: %s"
msgstr "Nepodprta PripniDatoteko pod-akcija: %s"

#, python-format
msgid "Attachments for \"%(pagename)s\""
msgstr "Priponke na strani \"%(pagename)s\""

msgid "TextCha: Wrong answer! Go back and try again..."
msgstr "TextCha: Napačen odgovor! Pojdi nazaj in poskusi znova..."

msgid ""
"No file content. Delete non ASCII characters from the file name and try "
msgstr ""
"Prazna vsebina. Odstranite ne-ASCII znake z imena datoteke in poskusite "

msgid "You are not allowed to overwrite a file attachment of this page."
msgstr ""
"Datotečne priponke na tej strani vam ni dovoljeno prepisati z novo vsebino."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(target)s' (remote name '%(filename)s') with %(bytes)d bytes "
msgstr ""
"Priponka '%(target)s' je shranjena (ime na oddaljenem računalniku je "
"'%(filename)s'), %(bytes)d znakov."

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(target)s' (remote name '%(filename)s') already exists."
msgstr "Priponka '%(target)s' (ime '%(filename)s') že obstaja na strežniku."

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(new_pagename)s/%(new_filename)s' already exists."
msgstr "Priponka '%(new_pagename)s/%(new_filename)s' že obstaja."

msgid "Nothing changed"
msgstr "Ni spremembe"

#, python-format
msgid "Page '%(new_pagename)s' does not exist or you don't have enough rights."
msgstr ""
"Stran '%(new_pagename)s' ne obstaja ali pa nimate pravice dostopati do nje."

msgid "Move aborted!"
msgstr "Prestavljanje preklicano."

msgid "Move aborted because new page name is empty."
msgstr "Prestavitev prekinjena zaradi praznega imena nove strani."

#, python-format
msgid "Please use a valid filename for attachment '%(filename)s'."
msgstr "Uporabite veljavno ime datoteke za priponko '%(filename)s'."

msgid "Move aborted because new attachment name is empty."
msgstr "Prestavitev prekinjena zaradi novega praznega imena priponke"

msgid "Move"
msgstr "Prestavi"

msgid "New page name"
msgstr "Novo ime strani"

msgid "New attachment name"
msgstr "Novo ime priponke"

msgid "You are not allowed to get attachments from this page."
msgstr "Dostop do priponk na tej strani vam ni dovoljen."

msgid "You are not allowed to install files."
msgstr "Za namestitev datotek nimate pooblastil."

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(filename)s' installed."
msgstr "Priponka '%(filename)s' nameščena."

msgid "You are not allowed to unzip attachments of this page."
msgstr "Razpakiranje ZIP priponk na tej strani vam ni dovoljeno."

#, python-format
msgid "The file %(filename)s is not a .zip file."
msgstr "Datoteka %(filename)s ni .zip arhiv."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(filename)s' not unzipped because some files in the zip are "
"either not in the same directory or exceeded the single file size limit "
"(%(maxsize_file)d kB)."
msgstr ""
"ZIP priponka '%(filename)s' ni bila razpakirana, ker vsebuje datoteko, ki ni "
"v istem imeniku, ali presega omejitev velikosti za posamezno datoteko "
"(%(maxsize_file)d kB)."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(filename)s' not unzipped because it would have exceeded the "
"per page attachment storage size limit (%(size)d kB)."
msgstr ""
"Priponka z ZIP arhivom '%(filename)s' ni bila razpakirana, ker bi bila s tem "
"presežena dovoljena kvota (%(size)d kB) za priponke na posamezni strani."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(filename)s' not unzipped because it would have exceeded the "
"per page attachment count limit (%(count)d)."
msgstr ""
"Priponka z ZIP arhivom '%(filename)s' ni bila razpakirana, ker bi bilo s tem "
"preseženo dovoljeno število priponk na strani (%(count)d priponk)."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Attachment '%(filename)s' partially unzipped (did not overwrite: "
msgstr ""
"Priponka z ZIP arhivom '%(filename)s' je bila le delno razpakirana "
"(naslednje obstoječe datoteke niso bile nadomeščene: %(filelist)s)."

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(filename)s' unzipped."
msgstr "ZIP datoteka '%(filename)s' je razpakirana."

#, python-format
msgid "Attachment '%(filename)s'"
msgstr "Priponka '%(filename)s'"

msgid "Download"
msgstr "Prenesi na svoj računalnik"

msgid "Package script:"
msgstr "Ukazna procedura paketa:"

msgid "File Name"
msgstr "Ime datoteke"

msgid "Modified"
msgstr "Zadnja sprememba"

msgid "Size"
msgstr "Velikost"

msgid "Unknown file type, cannot display this attachment inline."
msgstr "Neznan tip priponke, zato je ni mogoče neposredno vključiti v stran."

msgid "You are not allowed to view attachments of this page."
msgstr "Ogled priponk na tej strani vam ni dovoljen."

#, python-format
msgid "attachment:%(filename)s of %(pagename)s"
msgstr "attachment:%(filename)s na strani %(pagename)s"

msgid "General Information"
msgstr "Splošne informacije"

#, python-format
msgid "Page size: %d"
msgstr "Velikost strani: %d"

msgid "SHA digest of this page's content is:"
msgstr "Signatura vsebine strani po SHA:"

msgid "The following users subscribed to this page:"
msgstr "Naslednji uporabniki so naročeni na obvestila o tej strani:"

msgid "This page links to the following pages:"
msgstr "Ta stran vsebuje povezave na naslednje strani:"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Showing page edit history entries from '''%(start_offset)d''' to "
"'''%(end_offset)d''' out of '''%(total_count)d''' entries total."
msgstr ""
"Prikazana zgodovina sprememb strani od '''%(start_offset)d''' do "
"'''%(end_offset)d''' od skupaj '''%(total_count)d''' sprememb."

msgid "Newer"
msgstr "Novejše"

msgid "Older"
msgstr "Starejše"

#, python-format
msgid "%s items per page"
msgstr "%s elementov na stran"

msgid "Diff"
msgstr "Razlike"

msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Spremenil"

msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Opomba"

msgid "Action"
msgstr "Akcija"

msgid "to previous"
msgstr "prejšnji"

msgid "N/A"
msgstr "-"

msgid "Revision History"
msgstr "Pregled sprememb"

msgid "No log entries found."
msgstr "Ni takih dnevniških zapiskov."

#, python-format
msgid "Info for \"%s\""
msgstr "Info za \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Show \"%(title)s\""
msgstr "Prikaži \"%(title)s\""

msgid "General Page Infos"
msgstr "Splošne informacije o strani"

msgid "Page hits and edits"
msgstr "Število ogledov in sprememb strani"

msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Brisanje"

msgid "Delete all /subpages too?"
msgstr "Želite izbrisati tudi vse /podstrani?"

msgid "Optional reason for the deletion"
msgstr "Razlog za brisanje (neobvezno)"

msgid "Really delete this page?"
msgstr "Zares izbrisati to stran?"

msgid "Please first create a homepage before creating additional pages."
msgstr "Prosimo, da naredite domačo stran preden dodajate druge strani."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"You can add some additional sub pages to your already existing homepage "
"You can choose how open to other readers or writers those pages shall be,\n"
"access is controlled by group membership of the corresponding group page.\n"
"Just enter the sub page's name and click on the button to create a new "
"Before creating access protected pages, make sure the corresponding group "
"exists and has the appropriate members in it. Use HomepageGroupsTemplate for "
"the group pages.\n"
"||'''Add a new personal page:'''||'''Related access control list "
"||<<NewPage(HomepageReadWritePageTemplate,read-write page,%(username)s)>>||"
"||<<NewPage(HomepageReadPageTemplate,read-only page,%(username)s)>>||"
"||<<NewPage(HomepagePrivatePageTemplate,private page,%(username)s)>>||"
"%(username)s only||\n"
msgstr ""
"K obstoječi domači strani lahko na tem mestu dodate podstrani.\n"
"Izberete lahko do kolikšne mere naj bodo te strani odprte do ostalih\n"
"bralcev in do spreminjanja, pravica dostopa je določena z uvrstitvijo\n"
"strani v pripadajočo stran skupine (group page).\n"
"Vnesite ime podstrani, z gumbom lahko zahtevate njeno tvorjenje.\n"
"Pred izdelavo strani zaščitene pred dostopom preverite, da ustrezna\n"
"stran skupine zares obstaja in da vsebuje primerne člane.\n"
"Uporabite predlogo HomepageGroupsTemplate za tvorjenje novih skupin.\n"
"||'''Dodaj novo osebno stran:'''||'''Skupina s seznamom za nadzor "
"||<<NewPage(HomepageReadWritePageTemplate,read-write page,%(username)s)>>||"
"||<<NewPage(HomepageReadPageTemplate,read-only page,%(username)s)>>||"
"||<<NewPage(HomepagePrivatePageTemplate,private page,%(username)s)>>||"
"%(username)s only||\n"

msgid "MyPages management"
msgstr "Upravljanje z MyPages"

#, python-format
msgid "(including %(localwords)d %(pagelink)s)"
msgstr "(vključno z %(localwords)d %(pagelink)s)"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"The following %(badwords)d words could not be found in the dictionary of "
"%(totalwords)d words%(localwords)s and are highlighted below:"
msgstr ""
"Naslednjih %(badwords)d spodaj poudarjenih besed ni v slovarju z "
"%(totalwords)d besedami %(localwords)s:"

msgid "Add checked words to dictionary"
msgstr "Dodaj označene besede v slovar"

msgid "No spelling errors found!"
msgstr "Ni očitnih tipkarskih napak!"

msgid "You can't save spelling words."
msgstr "Ne morete shraniti črkovanih besed."

msgid "You can't check spelling on a page you can't read."
msgstr ""
"Na strani, ki vam ni dostopna za branje, ne morete iskati tipkarskih napak."

msgid "You are not allowed to use this action."
msgstr "Te akcije vam ni dovoljeno izvesti."

msgid "If this account exists an email was sent."
msgstr "E-poštno sporočilo je bilo odposlano (če uporabniški račun obstaja)."

msgid ""
"This wiki is not enabled for mail processing.\n"
"Contact the owner of the wiki, who can enable email."
msgstr ""
"Ta viki nima nastavljenega vmesnika za e-pošto.\n"
"Poskusite se obrniti na upravitelja tega vikija, ta lahko vklopi e-pošto, če "
"to želi."

msgid "Please provide a valid email address or a username!"
msgstr "Prosimo vpišite veljaven e-poštni naslov ali uporabniško ime!"

msgid "Username"
msgstr "Uporabniško ime"

msgid "Mail me my account data"
msgstr "Pošlji mi podatke o mojem uporabniškem računu"

msgid "Recovery token"
msgstr "Žeton za vrnitev v prejšnje stanje"

msgid "New password"
msgstr "Novo geslo"

msgid "New password (repeat)"
msgstr "Novo geslo (ponovno)"

msgid "Reset my password"
msgstr "Nastavi moje geslo na začetno stanje"

msgid "Passwords don't match!"
msgstr "Gesli se ne ujemata!"

#, python-format
msgid "Password not acceptable: %s"
msgstr "Geslo ni sprejemljivo: %s"

msgid "Your password has been changed, you can log in now."
msgstr "Geslo je bilo spremenjeno, sedaj se lahko prijavite."

msgid "Your token is invalid!"
msgstr "Žeton ni veljaven!"

msgid "Password reset"
msgstr "Nastavitev gesla na začetno stanje"

msgid ""
"== Password reset ==\n"
"Enter a new password below."
msgstr ""
"== Nastavitev gesla na začetno stanje ==\n"
"Spodaj vnesite novo geslo."

msgid "Lost password"
msgstr "Izgubljeno geslo"

msgid ""
"== Recovering a lost password ==\n"
"If you have forgotten your password, provide your email address or\n"
"username and click on '''Mail me my account data'''.\n"
"You will receive an email containing a recovery token that can be\n"
"used to change your password. The email will also contain further\n"
msgstr ""
"== Rešitev izgubljenega gesla ==\n"
"Če ste pozabili svoje geslo, navedite svoj e-poštni naslov ali\n"
"uporabniško ime in izberite povezavo '''Mail me my account data'''.\n"
"Prejeli boste e-poštno sporočilo z žetonom za rešitev gesla\n"
"in z nadaljnjimi navodili."

msgid ""
"=== Password reset ===\n"
"If you already have received the email with the recovery token, enter your\n"
"username, the recovery token and a new password (twice) below."
msgstr ""
"=== Nastavitev gesla na začetno stanje ===\n"
"Spodaj vnesite žeton za rešitev gesla, ki ste ga prejeli v e-poštnem "
"svoje uporabniško ime in novo geslo (dvakrat) ."

msgid ""
"You need to manually go to your OpenID provider wiki\n"
"and log in before you can use your OpenID. MoinMoin will\n"
"never allow you to enter your password here.\n"
"Once you have logged in, simply reload this page."
msgstr ""
"Treba je ročno stopiti do vikija vašega OpenID ponudnika in se\n"
"tam prijaviti, preden lahko uporabite svoj OpenID. MoinMoin ne bo\n"
"dovolil, da vnesete svoje geslo neposredno tukaj.\n"
"Ko boste prijavljeni, le ponovno naložite tole stran (reload)."

msgid "OpenID Trust verification"
msgstr "Preverjanje zaupanja OpenID"

#, python-format
msgid "The site %s has asked for your identity."
msgstr "Strežnik %s je vprašal po vaši identiteti."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"If you approve, the site represented by the trust root below will be\n"
"told that you control the identity URL %s. (If you are using a delegated\n"
"identity, the site will take care of reversing the\n"
"delegation on its own.)"
msgstr ""
"Če se strinjate, bo sporočeno strežniku ki ga predstavlja koren drevesa "
"da nadzorujete identiteto URL-ja %s. (Če uporabljate delegirano identiteto,\n"
"bo strežnik samodejno poskrbel za povratno delegiranje.)"

msgid "Trust root"
msgstr "Koren drevesa zaupanja"

msgid "Identity URL"
msgstr "URL identitete"

msgid "Remember decision"
msgstr "Zapomni si odločitev"

msgid "Remember this trust decision and don't ask again"
msgstr "Zapomni si odločitev o zaupanju in ne sprašuj več"

msgid "Approve"
msgstr "Se strinjam"

msgid "Don't approve"
msgstr "Se ne strinjam"

msgid "OpenID not served"
msgstr "Strežnik ne ponuja OpenID"

msgid ""
"Unfortunately you have not created your homepage yet. Therefore,\n"
"we cannot serve an OpenID for you. Please create your homepage first\n"
"and then reload this page or click the button below to cancel this\n"
msgstr ""
"Žal še niste ustvarili svoje domače strani, zato ni mogoče nuditi vaše\n"
"OpenID identitete. Najprej naredite svojo domačo stran, nato obnovite\n"
"tole stran (reload), ali pa izberite spodnji gumb za preklic tega\n"

#, python-format
msgid "Subscribe users to the page %s"
msgstr "Naroči uporabnike na obvestila s strani %s"

msgid "Enter user names (comma separated):"
msgstr "Vpiši uporabniška imena (ločena z vejico):"

#, python-format
msgid "Subscribed for %s:"
msgstr "Naročen na %s:"

msgid "Not a user:"
msgstr "Ni uporabnik:"

msgid "You are not allowed to perform this action."
msgstr "Te akcije vam ni dovoljeno izvesti."

msgid "Print slide show"
msgstr "Natisni samodejno predstavo"

msgid "Edit slide show"
msgstr "Uredi samodejno predstavo"

msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Izhod"

msgid "Quit slide show"
msgstr "Zapusti samodejno predstavo"

msgid "Show first slide (up arrow)"
msgstr "Prikaži prvo sliko (puščica gor)"

msgid "Show last slide (down arrow)"
msgstr "Prikaži zadnjo sliko (puščica dol)"

msgid "Show previous slide (left arrow)"
msgstr "Prikaži prejšnjo sliko (puščica levo)"

msgid "Show next slide (right arrow)"
msgstr "Prikaži naslednjo sliko (puščica desno)"

msgid "Charts are not available!"
msgstr "Diagrami niso na voljo!"

msgid "You need to provide a chart type!"
msgstr "Treba je navesti tip diagramov!"

#, python-format
msgid "Bad chart type \"%s\"!"
msgstr "Napačen ali neznan tip diagramov \"%s\"!"

msgid "Load"
msgstr "Naloži na strežnik"

msgid "Pagename not specified!"
msgstr "Ime strani ni navedeno!"

msgid "Upload page content"
msgstr "Naloži vsebino strani na strežnik"

msgid ""
"You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page "
"name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is "
"empty, we derive the page name from the file name."
msgstr ""
"Naložite lahko vsebino spodaj imenovane strani. Če spremenite ime strani "
"lahko naložite tudi vsebino kakšne druge strani. Če je ime strani prazno, se "
"ime strani določi iz imena datoteke."

msgid "File to load page content from"
msgstr "Datoteka iz katere bo naložena vsebina strani"

#, python-format
msgid "(!) Only pages changed since '''%s''' are being displayed!"
msgstr "(!) Prikazane so le strani, spremenjene po '''%s'''!"

msgid ""
"/!\\ The modification date you entered was not recognized and is therefore "
"not considered for the search results!"
msgstr ""
"/!\\ Vnešenega datuma spremembe ni mogoče prepoznati, zato ni bil upoštevan "
"pri iskanju!"

#, python-format
msgid "Please use a more selective search term instead of {{{\"%s\"}}}"
msgstr "Uporabite selektivnejše iskalno geslo namesto {{{\"%s\"}}}"

#, python-format
msgid "Title Search: \"%s\""
msgstr "Iskanje po naslovih: \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Advanced Search: \"%s\""
msgstr "Napredno iskanje: \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Full Text Search: \"%s\""
msgstr "Iskanje po polnem besedilu: \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Your search query {{{\"%s\"}}} is invalid. Please refer to HelpOnSearching "
"for more information."
msgstr ""
"Iskalni izraz {{{\"%s\"}}} ni veljaven. Več informacij o iskanju: "

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Your search query {{{\"%s\"}}} didn't return any results. Please change some "
"terms and refer to HelpOnSearching for more information.%s"
msgstr ""
"Ni zadetkov za iskalni izraz {{{\"%s\"}}}. Več informacij o iskanju je na "
"voljo v HelpOnSearching.%s"

msgid "(!) Consider performing a"
msgstr "(!) Morda bi bilo primernejše "

msgid "full-text search with your search terms"
msgstr "iskanje po polnem besedilu"

msgid ""
"(!) You're performing a title search that might not include all related "
"results of your search query in this wiki. <<BR>>"
msgstr ""
"(!) Opravljate iskanje le po naslovih, rezultat morda ne bo vseboval vseh "
"sorodnih strani v tem vikiju. <<BR>>"

msgid "Click here to perform a full-text search with your search terms!"
msgstr "Iskanje teh besed po polnem besedilu"

msgid ""
"Cannot create a new page without a page name.  Please specify a page name."
msgstr "Nove strani s praznim imenom ni mogoče narediti, navedite ime."

msgid "Your subscription to this page has been removed."
msgstr "Naročilo na obvestila s te strani je bilo umaknjeno."

msgid "Can't remove regular expression subscription!"
msgstr "Naročila z regularnim izrazom ni mogoče izbrisati na tem mestu."

msgid "Edit the subscription regular expressions in your settings."
msgstr ""
"Regularni izraz za naročilo obvestil lahko spremenite le s svoje "
"nastavitvene strani."

msgid "You need to be subscribed to unsubscribe."
msgstr "Če niste naročeni na obvestila jih tudi ne morete odpovedati."

#, fuzzy
msgid "TextCha: Wrong answer! Try again below..."
msgstr "TextCha: Napačen odgovor! Pojdi nazaj in poskusi znova..."

msgid ""
"Supplying a comment is mandatory. Write a comment below and try again..."
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "Create new drawing \"%(filename)s (opens in new window)\""
msgstr "Ustvari novo risbo \"%(filename)s (odpre novo okno)\""

#, python-format
msgid "Edit drawing %(filename)s (opens in new window)"
msgstr "Spremeni risbo %(filename)s (odpre novo okno)"

#, python-format
msgid "Clickable drawing: %(filename)s"
msgstr "Risba s povezavo: %(filename)s"

msgid "You are not allowed to save a drawing on this page."
msgstr "Na to stran ni dovoljeno shraniti risb."

msgid "Empty target name given."
msgstr "Podano je bilo prazno ime cilja."

msgid "Edit drawing"
msgstr "Spremeni risbo"

#, python-format
msgid "Execute action %(actionname)s?"
msgstr "Ali naj se izvede akcija %(actionname)s?"

#, python-format
msgid "Action %(actionname)s is excluded in this wiki!"
msgstr "Akcije %(actionname)s ta viki ne dovoljuje!"

#, python-format
msgid "You are not allowed to use action %(actionname)s on this page!"
msgstr "Akcija %(actionname)s nad to stranjo vam ni dovoljena!"

msgid "You are not allowed to create the supplementation page."
msgstr "Pomožne strani vam ni dovoljeno tvoriti!"

msgid "Pages"
msgstr "Strani"

msgid "Select Author"
msgstr "Izberi avtorja"

msgid "Revert all!"
msgstr "Vrni vse v prejšnje stanje!"

msgid "Copy all /subpages too?"
msgstr "Želite kopirati tudi vse podstrani?"

msgid "New name"
msgstr "Novo ime"

msgid "Optional reason for the copying"
msgstr "Razlog za kopiranje (neobvezno)"

msgid "Really copy this page?"
msgstr "Želite zares kopirati to stran?"

msgid "You are now logged out."
msgstr "Sedaj ste odjavljeni."

msgid "No page packages found."
msgstr "Nobenih paketov strani ni najti."

msgid "page package"
msgstr "paket strani"

msgid "Choose:"
msgstr "Izberi:"

#, python-format
msgid "Install language packs for '%s'"
msgstr "Namesti pakete jezikov za '%s'"

#, python-format
msgid "Local Site Map for \"%s\""
msgstr "Struktura spletne predstavitve na \"%s\""

msgid "No older revisions available!"
msgstr "Ta stran nima starejših različic!"

#, python-format
msgid "Diff for \"%s\""
msgstr "Razlike za \"%s\""

#, python-format
msgid "Differences between revisions %d and %d"
msgstr "Razlike med različicama %d in %d"

#, python-format
msgid "(spanning %d versions)"
msgstr "(prek %d različic)"

msgid "Previous change"
msgstr "Prejšnja sprememba"

msgid "Next change"
msgstr "Naslednja sprememba"

msgid "Diff with oldest revision in left pane"
msgstr "Razlike od najstarejše inačice v levem polju"

msgid "No older revision available for diff"
msgstr "Ta stran nima starejših različic"

msgid "Diff with older revision in left pane"
msgstr "Razlike od starejše različice v levem polju"

msgid "Diff with newer revision in left pane"
msgstr "Razlike od novejše različice v levem polju"

msgid "Can't change to revision newer than in right pane"
msgstr "Ni mogoče spremeniti na različico, novejšo od tiste v desnem polju"

msgid "Diff with older revision in right pane"
msgstr "Razlike od starejše različice v desnem polju"

msgid "Can't change to revision older than revision in left pane"
msgstr "Ni mogoče spremeniti na različico, starejšo od tiste v levem polju"

msgid "Diff with newer revision in right pane"
msgstr "Razlike od novejše različice v desnem polju"

msgid "No newer revision available for diff"
msgstr "Ta stran nima novejših različic"

msgid "Diff with newest revision in right pane"
msgstr "Razlike od najnovejše različice v desnem polju"

#, python-format
msgid "The page was saved %(count)d times, though!"
msgstr "Stran je že bila %(count)d-krat shranjena!"

msgid "(ignoring whitespace)"
msgstr "(neupoštevaje presledke)"

msgid "Ignore changes in the amount of whitespace"
msgstr "Ne upoštevaj razlik v številu presledkov"

msgid "Empty user name. Please enter a user name."
msgstr "Uporabniško ime je prazno, prosimo vpišite ga."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Invalid user name {{{'%s'}}}.\n"
"Name may contain any Unicode alpha numeric character, with optional one\n"
"space between words. Group page name is not allowed."
msgstr ""
"Neveljavno uporabniško ime {{{'%s'}}}.\n"
"Ime lahko vsebuje poljuben alfanumeričen znak iz nabora Unicode,\n"
"z neobveznim enim presledkom med besedami. Imena skupin (...Group) niso "

msgid "This user name already belongs to somebody else."
msgstr "To uporabniško ime že obstaja."

msgid "Please specify a password!"
msgstr "Prosimo vpišite geslo!"

msgid ""
"Please provide your email address. If you lose your login information, you "
"can get it by email."
msgstr ""
"Prosimo vpišite svoj e-poštni naslov. Izgubljene podatke za prijavo lahko po "
"potrebi prejmete naknadno na ta naslov."

msgid "This email already belongs to somebody else."
msgstr "Ta e-poštni naslov že pripada nekomu drugemu."

msgid "User account created! You can use this account to login now..."
msgstr "Uporabniško ime je narejeno, sedaj se lahko prijavite..."

msgid "Password repeat"
msgstr "Geslo (ponovno)"

msgid "TextCha (required)"
msgstr "TextCha (potrebno)"

msgid "Create Profile"
msgstr "Tvori profil"

msgid "Create Account"
msgstr "Nov uporabniški račun"

#, python-format
msgid "Full Link List for \"%s\""
msgstr "Celotni seznam povezav za \"%s\""

msgid "You must login to add a quicklink."
msgstr "Za dodajanje hitre povezave se je treba prej prijaviti."

msgid "A quicklink to this page has been added for you."
msgstr "Hitra povezava na to stran je bila avtomatsko dodana."

msgid "A quicklink to this page could not be added for you."
msgstr "Hitre povezave na to stran ni bilo mogoče avtomatsko dodati."

msgid "You already have a quicklink to this page."
msgstr "Hitro povezavo na to stran že imate."

msgid "Create redirect for renamed page(s)?"
msgstr "Tvori preusmeritve za preimenovane strani?"

msgid "Rename all /subpages too?"
msgstr "Želite preimenovati tudi vse /podstrani?"

msgid "Create redirect for renamed page?"
msgstr "Tvori preusmeritev za preimenovano stran?"

msgid "Really rename this page?"
msgstr "Zares želite preimenovati to stran?"

msgid "Optional reason for the renaming"
msgstr "Razlog za preimenovanje (neobvezno)"

msgid "Wiki Backup"
msgstr "Varnostna kopija vikija"

msgid ""
"= Downloading a backup =\n"
"Please note:\n"
" * Store backups in a safe and secure place - they contain sensitive "
" * Make sure your wiki configuration backup_* values are correct and "
" * Make sure the backup file you get contains everything you need in case of "
" * Make sure it is downloaded without problems.\n"
"To get a backup, just click here:"
msgstr ""
"= Izdelava varnostne kopije =\n"
"Prosimo upoštevajte:\n"
" * Hranite varnostne kopije na varnem in zaupnem mestu, saj vsebujeno "
"občutljive informacije.\n"
" * Prepričajte se, da so vrednosti backup_* nastavitev v vaši viki "
"konfiguraciji pravilne in popolne.\n"
" * Prepričajte se, da vsebujejo varnostne kopije, ki jih boste dobili, vse "
"potrebno za primer težav.\n"
" * Preverite, da je bil prenos opravljen brez napak.\n"
"Izdelaj varostno kopijo:"

msgid "Backup"
msgstr "Izdelava varnostne kopije"

msgid "You are not allowed to do remote backup."
msgstr "Izdelava varnostne kopije ni dovoljena z oddaljene lokacije."

#, python-format
msgid "Unknown backup subaction: %s."
msgstr "Neznana podakcija pri upravljanju z varnostno kopijo: %s"

msgid "Revert"
msgstr "Vrni v prejšnje stanje"

msgid "You are not allowed to revert this page!"
msgstr "Te strani vam ni dovoljeno vrniti v prejšnje stanje!"

msgid ""
"You were viewing the current revision of this page when you called the "
"revert action. If you want to revert to an older revision, first view that "
"older revision and then call revert to this (older) revision again."
msgstr ""
"Ko ste uporabili akcijo povrnitev ste gledali trenutno različico te strani. "
"Če želite povrniti stran v neko starejšo različico, potem najprej odprite "
"tisto starejšo različico in nato pokličite akcijo povrnitev."

msgid "Optional reason for reverting this page"
msgstr "Razlog za vrnitev na prejšnje stanje strani (neobvezno)"

msgid "Really revert this page?"
msgstr "Ali zares želite vrniti to stran na prejšnje stanje?"

msgid "OpenID"
msgstr "OpenID"

msgid "Member of Groups"
msgstr "Član skupin"

msgid "Jabber"
msgstr "Jabber naslov"

msgid "Disable user"
msgstr "Onemogoči uporabnika"

msgid "Enable user"
msgstr "Omogoči uporabnika"

msgid "disabled"
msgstr "onemogočeno"

msgid "Mail account data"
msgstr "Pošlji mi podatke o tem uporabniškem računu"

msgid "RecentChanges"
msgstr "ZadnjeSpremembe"

msgid "WikiTipOfTheDay"
msgstr "VikiNamigDneva"

msgid "TitleIndex"
msgstr "KazaloNaslovov"

msgid "WordIndex"
msgstr "KazaloBesed"

msgid "FindPage"
msgstr "PoiščiStran"

msgid "MissingPage"
msgstr "ManjkajočaStran"

msgid "MissingHomePage"
msgstr "ManjkajočaOsebnaStran"

msgid "WikiHomePage"
msgstr "DomačaVikiStran"

msgid "WikiName"
msgstr "VikiIme"

msgid "WikiWikiWeb"
msgstr "WikiWikiWeb"

msgid "FrontPage"
msgstr "PrvaStran"

msgid "WikiSandBox"
msgstr "VikiPeskovnik"

msgid "InterWiki"
msgstr "InterViki"

msgid "AbandonedPages"
msgstr "ZapuščeneStrani"

msgid "OrphanedPages"
msgstr "OsiroteleStrani"

msgid "WantedPages"
msgstr "ManjkajočeStrani"

msgid "EventStats"
msgstr "StatistikaDogodkov"

msgid "EventStats/HitCounts"
msgstr "StatistikaDogodkov/ŠtevciZadetkov"

msgid "EventStats/Languages"
msgstr "StatistikaDogodkov/Jeziki"

msgid "EventStats/UserAgents"
msgstr "StatistikaDogodkov/UporabnikoviBralniki"

msgid "PageSize"
msgstr "VelikostStrani"

msgid "PageHits"
msgstr "ZadetkiStrani"

msgid "RandomPage"
msgstr "NaključnaStran"

msgid "XsltVersion"
msgstr "XsltVerzija"

msgid "FortuneCookies"
msgstr "PiškotiSreče"

msgid "WikiLicense"
msgstr "VikiLicenca"

msgid "CategoryCategory"
msgstr "KategorijaKategorije"

msgid "CategoryHomepage"
msgstr "DomačaStranKategorije"

msgid "CategoryTemplate"
msgstr "PredlogaKategorije"

msgid "HomepageTemplate"
msgstr "PredlogaDomačeStrani"

msgid "HelpTemplate"
msgstr "PredlogaPomoči"

msgid "HomepageReadWritePageTemplate"
msgstr "PredlogaBralnoPisalneDomačeStrani"

msgid "HomepageReadPageTemplate"
msgstr "PredlogaBralneDomačeStrani"

msgid "HomepagePrivatePageTemplate"
msgstr "PredlogaZasebneStraniDomačeStrani"

msgid "HomepageGroupsTemplate"
msgstr "PedlogaGrupDomačeStrani"

msgid "SlideShowHandOutTemplate"
msgstr "PredlogaIzročkovPrikazaSlik"

msgid "SlideShowTemplate"
msgstr "PredlogaPrikazaSlik"

msgid "SlideTemplate"
msgstr "PredlogaSlike"

msgid "SyncJobTemplate"
msgstr "PredlogaZaSyncJob"

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration"
msgstr "PomočPriNastavitvah"

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/EmailSupport"
msgstr "PomočPriNastavitvah/PodporaEpošte"

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/SecurityPolicy"
msgstr "PomočPriNastavitvah/VarnostnaPolitika"

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/FileAttachments"
msgstr "PomočPriNastavitvah/DatotečnePriponke"

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/SupplementationPage"
msgstr "PomočPriNastavitvah/StranDodatkov"

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/SurgeProtection"
msgstr "PomočPriNastavitvah/ZaščitaPredŠpicami"

msgid "HelpOnConfiguration/UserPreferences"
msgstr "PomočPriNastavitvah/UporabniškePreference"

msgid "HelpOnPackageInstaller"
msgstr "PomočPriNameščevalcuPaketov"

msgid "HelpOnUpdatingPython"
msgstr "PomočPriAžuriranjuPythona"

msgid "HelpOnAdministration"
msgstr "PomočPriUpravljanju"

msgid "HelpOnAuthentication"
msgstr "PomočPriPreverjanjuIstovetnosti"

msgid "HelpOnAuthentication/ExternalCookie"
msgstr "PomočPriPreverjanjuIstovetnosti/ZunanjiPiškot"

msgid "HelpOnMoinCommand"
msgstr "PomočPriMoinUkazu"

msgid "HelpOnMoinCommand/ExportDump"
msgstr "PomočPriMoinUkazu/IzvozPosnetkaStanja"

msgid "HelpOnNotification"
msgstr "PomočPriObveščanju"

#, fuzzy
msgid "HelpOnRobots"
msgstr "PomočPriPravilih"

msgid "HelpOnSessions"
msgstr "PomočPriSejah"

msgid "HelpOnUserHandling"
msgstr "PomočPriRokovanjuZUporabnikom"

msgid "HelpOnXapian"
msgstr "PomočPriXapianu"

msgid "HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax"
msgstr "PomočPriMoinVikiSintaksi"

msgid "HelpOnCreoleSyntax"
msgstr "PomočPriKreolskiSintaksi"

msgid "HelpOnFormatting"
msgstr "PomočPriOblikovanju"

msgid "MoinMoin"
msgstr "MoinMoin"

msgid "HelpContents"
msgstr "VsebinaPomoči"

msgid "HelpForBeginners"
msgstr "PomočZačetnikom"

msgid "HelpForUsers"
msgstr "PomočUporabnikom"

msgid "HelpIndex"
msgstr "KazaloPomoči"

msgid "HelpOnAccessControlLists"
msgstr "PomočPriKontroliDostopaACL"

msgid "HelpOnActions"
msgstr "PomočPriAkcijah"

msgid "HelpOnActions/AttachFile"
msgstr "PomočPriAkcijah/PripniDatoteko"

msgid "HelpOnAdmonitions"
msgstr "PomočPriOpozarjanju"

msgid "HelpOnAutoAdmin"
msgstr "PomočPriAvtoAdmin"

msgid "HelpOnCategories"
msgstr "PomočPriKategorijah"

msgid "HelpOnDictionaries"
msgstr "PomočPriSlovarjih"

msgid "HelpOnDrawings"
msgstr "PomočPriRisbah"

msgid "HelpOnEditLocks"
msgstr "PomočPriZaklepanjuObUrejanju"

msgid "HelpOnEditing"
msgstr "PomočPriUrejanju"

msgid "HelpOnEditing/SubPages"
msgstr "PomočPriUrejanju/Podstrani"

msgid "HelpOnGraphicalEditor"
msgstr "PomočPriGrafičnemUrejevalniku"

msgid "HelpOnGroups"
msgstr "PomočPriGrupah"

msgid "HelpOnHeadlines"
msgstr "PomočPriNaslovih"

msgid "HelpOnImages"
msgstr "PomočPriSlikah"

msgid "HelpOnLanguages"
msgstr "PomočPriJezikih"

msgid "HelpOnLinking"
msgstr "PomočPriPovezavah"

msgid "HelpOnLinking/NotesLinks"
msgstr "PomočPriPovezavah/OpombnePovezave"

msgid "HelpOnLists"
msgstr "PomočPriSeznamih"

msgid "HelpOnLogin"
msgstr "PomočPriPrijavi"

msgid "HelpOnMacros"
msgstr "PomočPriMakrojih"

msgid "HelpOnMacros/EmbedObject"
msgstr "PomočPriMakrojih/EmbedObject"

msgid "HelpOnMacros/Include"
msgstr "PomočPriMakrojih/Include"

msgid "HelpOnMacros/MailTo"
msgstr "PomočPriMakrojih/MailTo"

msgid "HelpOnMacros/MonthCalendar"
msgstr "PomočPriMakrojih/MonthCalendar"

msgid "HelpOnNavigation"
msgstr "PomočPriNavigaciji"

msgid "HelpOnOpenIDProvider"
msgstr "PomočPriOpenIDPonudniku"

msgid "HelpOnPageCreation"
msgstr "PomočPriTvorjenjuStrani"

msgid "HelpOnPageDeletion"
msgstr "PomočPriBrisanjuStrani"

msgid "HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText"
msgstr "PomočPriSintaktičnihAnalizatorjih/ReStructuredText"

msgid "HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText/RstPrimer"
msgstr "PomočPriSintaktičnihAnalizatorjih/ReStructuredText/RstPrimer"

msgid "HelpOnProcessingInstructions"
msgstr "PomočPriNavodilihZaObdelavo"

msgid "HelpOnRules"
msgstr "PomočPriPravilih"

msgid "HelpOnSearching"
msgstr "PomočPriIskanju"

msgid "HelpOnSlideShows"
msgstr "PomočPriPrikazuSlik"

msgid "HelpOnSlideShows/000 Introduction"
msgstr "HelpOnSlideShows/000 Introduction"

msgid "HelpOnSlideShows/100 Creating the slides"
msgstr "HelpOnSlideShows/100 Creating the slides"

msgid "HelpOnSlideShows/900 Last but not least: Running your presentation"
msgstr "HelpOnSlideShows/900 Last but not least: Running your presentation"

msgid "HelpOnSmileys"
msgstr "PomočPriSmejčkih"

msgid "HelpOnSpam"
msgstr "PomočPriSpamu"

msgid "HelpOnSpellCheck"
msgstr "PomočPriPreverbiČrkovanja"

msgid "HelpOnSuperUser"
msgstr "PomočPriSuperUporabniku"

msgid "HelpOnSynchronisation"
msgstr "PomočPriSinhronizaciji"

msgid "HelpOnTables"
msgstr "PomočPriTabelah"

msgid "HelpOnTemplates"
msgstr "PomočPriPredlogah"

msgid "HelpOnThemes"
msgstr "PomočPriTemah"

msgid "HelpOnUserPreferences"
msgstr "PomočPriUporabniškihNastavitvah"

msgid "HelpOnVariables"
msgstr "PomočPriSpremenljivkah"

msgid "HelpOnXmlPages"
msgstr "PomočPriXmlStraneh"

msgid "HelpOnComments"
msgstr "PomočPriKomentarjih"

msgid "HelpOnSubscribing"
msgstr "PomočPriNaročanju"

msgid "CamelCase"
msgstr "GrbasteBesede"

msgid "WikiCourse"
msgstr "WikiCourse"

msgid "WikiCourse/01 What is a MoinMoin wiki?"
msgstr "WikiCourse/01 What is a MoinMoin wiki?"

msgid "WikiCourse/02 Finding information"
msgstr "WikiCourse/02 Finding information"

msgid "WikiCourse/03 Staying up to date"
msgstr "WikiCourse/03 Staying up to date"

msgid "WikiCourse/04 Creating a wiki account"
msgstr "WikiCourse/04 Creating a wiki account"

msgid "WikiCourse/05 User preferences"
msgstr "WikiCourse/05 User preferences"

msgid "WikiCourse/06 Your own wiki homepage"
msgstr "WikiCourse/06 Your own wiki homepage"

msgid "WikiCourse/07 The text editor"
msgstr "WikiCourse/07 The text editor"

msgid "WikiCourse/08 Hot Keys"
msgstr "WikiCourse/08 Hot Keys"

msgid "WikiCourse/10 Text layout with wiki markup"
msgstr "WikiCourse/10 Text layout with wiki markup"

msgid "WikiCourse/11 Paragraphs"
msgstr "WikiCourse/11 Paragraphs"

msgid "WikiCourse/12 Headlines"
msgstr "WikiCourse/12 Headlines"

msgid "WikiCourse/13 Lists"
msgstr "WikiCourse/13 Lists"

msgid "WikiCourse/14 Text styles"
msgstr "WikiCourse/14 Text styles"

msgid "WikiCourse/15 Tables"
msgstr "WikiCourse/15 Tables"

msgid "WikiCourse/16 Wiki internal links"
msgstr "WikiCourse/16 Wiki internal links"

msgid "WikiCourse/17 External links"
msgstr "WikiCourse/17 External links"

msgid "WikiCourse/18 Attachments"
msgstr "WikiCourse/18 Attachments"

msgid "WikiCourse/19 Symbols"
msgstr "WikiCourse/19 Symbols"

msgid "WikiCourse/20 Dynamic content"
msgstr "WikiCourse/20 Dynamic content"

msgid "WikiCourse/21 Macros"
msgstr "WikiCourse/21 Macros"

msgid "WikiCourse/22 Parsers"
msgstr "WikiCourse/22 Parsers"

msgid "WikiCourse/23 Actions"
msgstr "WikiCourse/23 Actions"

msgid "WikiCourse/30 The graphical editor"
msgstr "WikiCourse/30 The graphical editor"

msgid "WikiCourse/40 Creating more pages"
msgstr "WikiCourse/40 Creating more pages"

msgid "WikiCourse/50 Wiki etiquette"
msgstr "WikiCourse/50 Wiki etiquette"

msgid "WikiCourse/51 Applications"
msgstr "WikiCourse/51 Applications"

msgid "WikiCourse/52 Structure in the wiki"
msgstr "WikiCourse/52 Structure in the wiki"

msgid "WikiCourseHandOut"
msgstr "WikiCourseHandOut"

msgid "Sun"
msgstr "ned"

msgid "Mon"
msgstr "pon"

msgid "Tue"
msgstr "tor"

msgid "Wed"
msgstr "sre"

msgid "Thu"
msgstr "čet"

msgid "Fri"
msgstr "pet"

msgid "Sat"
msgstr "sob"

msgid "AttachFile"
msgstr "PripniDatoteko"

msgid "DeletePage"
msgstr "BrišiStran"

msgid "LikePages"
msgstr "PodobneStrani"

msgid "LocalSiteMap"
msgstr "StrukturaPredstavitve"

msgid "RenamePage"
msgstr "PreimenujStran"

msgid "SpellCheck"
msgstr "PreveriČrkovanje"

msgid "Discussion"
msgstr "Diskusija"

msgid "User agent"
msgstr "Tip bralnika"

msgid "Others"
msgstr "Ostalo"

msgid "Distribution of User-Agent Types"
msgstr "Razporeditev po tipih bralnikov"

msgid "Page Size Distribution"
msgstr "Razporeditev velikosti strani"

msgid "page size upper bound [bytes]"
msgstr "zgornja meja velikosti strani [znakov]"

msgid "# of pages of this size"
msgstr "število strani te velikosti"

msgid "Views/day"
msgstr "obiskov/dan"

msgid "Edits/day"
msgstr "sprememb/dan"

#, python-format
msgid "%(chart_title)s for %(filterpage)s"
msgstr "%(chart_title)s za %(filterpage)s"

msgid ""
msgstr ""

msgid "date"
msgstr "datum"

msgid "# of hits"
msgstr "število zadetkov"

msgid "Language"
msgstr "Jezik"

msgid "<Browser setting>"
msgstr "<kot predlaga bralnik>"

msgid "No orphaned pages in this wiki."
msgstr "V tem vikuju ni nepovezanih strani (sirot)."

msgid "Include system pages"
msgstr "Vključno s sistemskimi stranmi"

msgid "Exclude system pages"
msgstr "Brez sistemskih strani"

msgid "No wanted pages in this wiki."
msgstr ""
"V tem vikiju ni pogrešanih strani (na katere so usmerjene povezave, a ne "

msgid "Python Version"
msgstr "Različica interpreterja Python"

msgid "MoinMoin Version"
msgstr "Različica MoinMoin"

#, python-format
msgid "Release %s [Revision %s]"
msgstr "Oznaka izdaje %s [inačica: %s]"

msgid "4Suite Version"
msgstr "Različica 4Suite"

msgid "Number of pages"
msgstr "Število strani"

msgid "Number of system pages"
msgstr "Število sistemskih strani"

msgid "Accumulated page sizes"
msgstr "Skupna velikost strani"

#, python-format
msgid "Disk usage of %(data_dir)s/pages/"
msgstr "Zasedenost diska %(data_dir)s/strani/"

#, python-format
msgid "Disk usage of %(data_dir)s/"
msgstr "Zasedenost diska %(data_dir)s/"

msgid "Entries in edit log"
msgstr "Vpisov v dnevniku"

msgid "NONE"
msgstr "-"

msgid "Global extension macros"
msgstr "Globalni razširitveni makroji"

msgid "Local extension macros"
msgstr "Lokalni razširitveni makroji"

msgid "Global extension actions"
msgstr "Globalne razširitvene akcije"

msgid "Local extension actions"
msgstr "Lokalne razširitvene akcije"

msgid "Global parsers"
msgstr "Globalni sintaktični analizatorji (parserji)"

msgid "Local extension parsers"
msgstr "Lokalni sintaktični analizatorji (parserji)"

msgid "Xapian and/or Python Xapian bindings not installed"
msgstr "Naveze za Xapian in/ali Python Xapian niso nameščene"

msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Izklopljeno"

msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Vklopljeno"

msgid "index unavailable"
msgstr "kazalo ni na voljo"

msgid "index available"
msgstr "kazalo je na voljo"

msgid "Xapian search"
msgstr "Iskanje Xapian"

msgid "Stemming for Xapian"
msgstr "Korenjenje za Xapian"

msgid "Active threads"
msgstr "Aktivne niti"

msgid "Search for items"
msgstr "Iskanje"

msgid "containing all the following terms"
msgstr "vsebujoč vse naslednje izraze"

msgid "containing one or more of the following terms"
msgstr "vsebujoč vsaj enega od naslednjih izrazov"

msgid "not containing the following terms"
msgstr "ne vsebujoč naslednjih izrazov"

msgid "last modified since (e.g. 2 weeks before)"
msgstr "nazadnje spremenjeno po... ( v zadnjih dveh tednih)"

msgid "any category"
msgstr "katerakoli kategorija"

msgid "any language"
msgstr "katerikoli jezik"

msgid "any mimetype"
msgstr "katerikoli tip MIME"

msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategorije"

msgid "File Type"
msgstr "Tip datoteke"

msgid "Search only in titles"
msgstr "Iskanje le po naslovih"

msgid "Case-sensitive search"
msgstr "Loči med velikimi in malimi črkami pri iskanju"

msgid "Exclude underlay"
msgstr "Neupoštevaje spodaj ležeče (sistemske) strani"

msgid "No system items"
msgstr "Brez sistemskih delov"

msgid "Search in all page revisions"
msgstr "Išči v vseh inačicah strani"

msgid "Go get it!"
msgstr "Izvedi!"

#, python-format
msgid "No quotes on %(pagename)s."
msgstr "Na strani %(pagename)s ni citatov."

msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Vsebina"

msgid "Variable name"
msgstr "Ime spremenljivke"

msgid "Default"
msgstr "standardna"

msgid "Description"
msgstr "Opis"

msgid "Lexer description"
msgstr "Lexer opis"

msgid "Lexer names"
msgstr "Lexer imena"

msgid "File patterns"
msgstr "Vzorci datoteke (file patterns)"

msgid "Mimetypes"
msgstr "Tipi MIME"

#, python-format
msgid "Unsupported navigation scheme '%(scheme)s'!"
msgstr "Nepoznana ali nepodprta navigacijska shema '%(scheme)s'!"

msgid "No parent page found!"
msgstr "Ta stran nima nadrejene strani!"

msgid "Slideshow"
msgstr "Samodejna predstava"

msgid "Start"
msgstr "Začni"

#, python-format
msgid "Slide %(pos)d of %(size)d"
msgstr "Slika %(pos)d od %(size)d"

msgid "File attachment browser"
msgstr "Pregledovalnik pripetih datotek"

msgid "User account browser"
msgstr "Pregledovalnik uporabniških računov"

msgid "Search Titles"
msgstr "Iskanje po naslovih"

msgid "Display context of search results"
msgstr "Prikaži kontekst rezultatov iskanja"

msgid "Case-sensitive searching"
msgstr "Loči med velikimi in malimi črkami pri iskanju"

msgid "Search Text"
msgstr "Iskanje po polnem besedilu"

#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Unknown macro parameter: %s."
msgstr "Neznana podakcija pri upravljanju z varnostno kopijo: %s"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"More than one needle with search_macro_parse_args config option enabled "
"('%(needle)s' found already, '%(arg)s' occurred)"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "<<%(macro_name)s: invalid macro name>>"
msgstr ""

#, python-format
msgid "<<%(macro_name)s: execution failed [%(error_msg)s] (see also the log)>>"
msgstr ""
"<<%(macro_name)s: izvajanje ni bilo uspešno [%(error_msg)s] (glej tudi "

msgid "Go To Page"
msgstr "Pojdi na stran"

msgid "Wiki configuration"
msgstr "Nastavitve vikija"

msgid ""
"This table shows all settings in this wiki that do not have default values. "
"Settings that the configuration system doesn't know about are shown in "
"''italic'', those may be due to third-party extensions needing configuration "
"or settings that were removed from Moin."
msgstr ""
"Tabela prikazuje vse nastavitve tega vikija, ki se razlikujejo od privzete "
"vrednosti. Nastavitve, ki jih sistem ne pozna, so prikazane v ''kurzivi'', "
"to so bodisi nastavitve razširitev programa, ali pa zastarele nastavitve iz "
"prejšnjih inačic programa Moin."

msgid "Setting"
msgstr "Nastavitev"

#, python-format
msgid "%(mins)dm ago"
msgstr "pred %(mins)dm"

msgid "(no bookmark set)"
msgstr "(knjižni zaznamek ni postavljen)"

#, python-format
msgid "(currently set to %s)"
msgstr "(trenutno nastavljeno na %s)"

msgid "Delete bookmark"
msgstr "Briši knjižni zaznamek"

msgid "Set bookmark"
msgstr "Postavi knjižni zaznamek"

msgid "[Bookmark reached]"
msgstr "[Prišli smo do knjižnega zaznamka]"

msgid "Markup"
msgstr "Označevanje"

msgid "Display"
msgstr "Prikaz"

#, python-format
msgid "Upload new attachment \"%(filename)s\""
msgstr "Naloži novo priponko \"%(filename)s\" na strežnik"

#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(extension_name)s %(extension_type)s: Required argument %(argument_name)s "
msgstr ""
"%(extension_name)s %(extension_type)s: Manjkajoči argument %(argument_name)s."

#, python-format
msgid ""
"%(extension_name)s %(extension_type)s: Invalid %(argument_name)s="
msgstr ""
"%(extension_name)s %(extension_type)s: Neveljavno: %(argument_name)s="

#, python-format
msgid ""
"Current configuration does not allow embedding of the file %(file)s because "
"of its mimetype %(mimetype)s."
msgstr ""
"Trenutne nastavitve ne dovoljujejo neposrednega vključevanja datoteke "
"%(file)s zaradi njenega tipa MIME %(mimetype)s."

msgid "Embedded"
msgstr "Vgrajen"

#, python-format
msgid "Invalid include arguments \"%s\"!"
msgstr "Neveljavni argumenti pri \"include\": \"%s\"!"

#, python-format
msgid "Nothing found for \"%s\"!"
msgstr "Ni takih označb \"%s\"!"

msgid "Switch user"
msgstr "Preklopi na drugega uporabnika"

msgid "No user selected"
msgstr "Uporabnik ni izbran"

msgid ""
"You can now change the settings of the selected user account; log out to get "
"back to your account."
msgstr ""
"Sedaj lahko spremenite nastavitve izbranega uporabniškega računa. Za vrnitev "
"na svoj uporabniški račun se odjavite."

msgid "You are the only user."
msgstr "Ste edini uporabnik."

msgid ""
"As a superuser, you can temporarily assume the identity of another user."
msgstr ""
"Kot administrator (superuser) lahko začasno prevzamete identiteto drugega "

msgid "Select User"
msgstr "Izberi uporabnika"

msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Nastavitve"

msgid "This jabber id already belongs to somebody else."
msgstr "Ta jabber naslov že pripada nekomu drugemu."

#, python-format
msgid "The theme '%(theme_name)s' could not be loaded!"
msgstr "Teme (izgleda) '%(theme_name)s' ni bilo mogoče naložiti!"

msgid "User preferences saved!"
msgstr "Uporabniške nastavitve so shranjene!"

msgid "the one preferred"
msgstr "izbrani-najljubši"

msgid "free choice"
msgstr "prosta izbira"

msgid "Save"
msgstr "Shrani"

msgid "Preferred theme"
msgstr "Najljubša tema (izgled)"

msgid "Editor Preference"
msgstr "Najljubši urejevalnik"

msgid "Editor shown on UI"
msgstr "Izbor urejevalnika"

msgid "Time zone"
msgstr "Časovni pas"

msgid "Your time is"
msgstr "Vaš lokalni čas je"

msgid "Server time is"
msgstr "Čas na strežniku je"

msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Oblika datuma"

msgid "Preferred language"
msgstr "Najljubši jezik"

msgid "General options"
msgstr "Druge nastavitve"

msgid "Quick links"
msgstr "Hitre povezave"

msgid "Change password"
msgstr "Spremeni geslo"

msgid "Your password has been changed."
msgstr "Vaše geslo je bilo spremenjeno."

msgid "To change your password, enter a new password twice."
msgstr "Za spremebo gesla vnesite geslo v obe polji."

msgid "OpenID settings"
msgstr "Nastavitve OpenID"

msgid "Cannot remove all OpenIDs."
msgstr "Ni mogoče odstraniti vseh OpenID-jev."

msgid "The selected OpenIDs have been removed."
msgstr "Izbrani OpenID je bil odstranjen."

msgid "No OpenID given."
msgstr "OpenID ni podan."

msgid "OpenID is already present."
msgstr "OpenID je že prisoten."

msgid "This OpenID is already used for another account."
msgstr "Ta OpenID je že uporabljen pri drugem uporabniškem računu."

msgid "OpenID added successfully."
msgstr "OpenID je bil uspešno dodan."

msgid "Current OpenIDs"
msgstr "Trenutni OpenID-ji"

msgid "Remove selected"
msgstr "Odstrani izbrane"

msgid "Add OpenID"
msgstr "Dodaj OpenID"

msgid "Notification"
msgstr "Obvestila"

msgid "Notification settings saved!"
msgstr "Nastavitev obvestil shranjena!"

msgid "'''Email'''"
msgstr "'''E-poštni''' naslov"

msgid "'''Jabber'''"
msgstr "'''Jabber'''"

msgid "'''Event type'''"
msgstr "'''Tip dogodka'''"

msgid "Select the events you want to be notified about."
msgstr "Izberite dogodke o katerih želite biti obveščeni."

msgid ""
"Before you can be notified, you need to provide a way to contact you in the "
"general preferences."
msgstr ""
"Za delovanje obveščanja je treba najprej v splošnih nastavitvah navesti "
"način obveščanja."

msgid "Subscribed events"
msgstr "Naročen na dogodke"

msgid "Subscribed wiki pages<<BR>>(one regex per line)"
msgstr "Naročen na naslednje viki strani<<BR>>(en regularni izraz na vrstico)"

msgid "OpenID server"
msgstr "Strežnik OpenID"

msgid "The selected websites have been removed."
msgstr "Izbrani spletni naslovi so bili odstranjeni."

msgid "Trusted websites"
msgstr "Spletni naslovi, ki jim zaupamo"

#, python-format
msgid "Inlined image: %(url)s"
msgstr "Vsebovana slika: %(url)s"

msgid "Toggle line numbers"
msgstr "Vklopi/izklopi številke vrstic"